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Having Jordan that close  to her again , just being able to smell his cologne ,feel his breath on her neck the floodgates opened up as the  baby kicked repeatedly. Wordlessly she rubbed her stomach before .she flung her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder nodding.
”Was that a yes ?” Jordan whispered.
Clinging to Jordan’s neck Steph nodded again. He picked her up gently ,cradling her to him as he  brought his lips to hers .
”Thank you princess for the help “ Jordan whispered to  the baby as he gently rubbed Steph’s growing belly. The baby kicked hard against his hand
“I think she likes that” Steph whispered against his lips
.”Already a  daddy’s girl” Jordan teased as his lips claimed hers again.
“Well she must take after her mama because I’ve always been a Jordan girl”
Jordan arched a brow “Even now ? After all my shit ?”
Steph nodded her eyes never leaving his as she changed the subject
”Do you have to go back to Milton right away?”
”You can come with me “ Jordan  whispered.
”What about my job? I have to work the next five shifts I took today off “
”Fuck them. Quit .You and the kids move to Milton with me and the boys “ Jordan encouraged softly.
”I-I just “she cut herself off “I um I don’t know what to say “ Steph stammered softly rubbing her belly because their daughter decided it was a good time to do gymnastics
“Peanut give it a rest little miss please “ Steph  told the baby as she stifled another  yawn that threatened to escape.
”Come on we both could use some rest. We both  also know we’ll sleep better together “Jordan reminded her  pleadingly.
Worriedly Steph asked “You didn’t book a room did you?”

“Good thing I have a queen size bed unless you want the couch “
“Let’s go get some sleep ladies “Jordan murmured putting his arm around Steph’s shoulder before  tucking her close to his side.
The drive to Steph’s was short. Thankfully the kids were still in school. No disturbances. Steph  let Jordan into her apartment first  before locking the door behind him. Steph’s bedroom was on the first floor of the apartment. She motioned Jordan to follow her. He took in the small kitchen and even smaller bathroom as they walked to her bedroom.
”It’s not much but it’s home” Steph whispered self consciously.
Stopping  in the kitchen for a drink “It’s perfectly fine I’m so ready to fall asleep with my girls in my arms “ he murmured stretching and yawning.
The baby kicked hard making Steph gasp. ”Someone’s a little excited today “ she mumbled trying to catch her breath.
”Like I said a daddy’s girl” Jordan smirked.

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