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Jordan whispered against her lips. The first time they made love had not been  as gentle nor  as slow  as Jordan had hoped to make it, This  time Jordan let Steph initiate everything. Never had anyone touched him the way  she did with unconditional love. Jordan suddenly felt like an inexperienced teenager again.
Sometime later Steph jolted awake  panicking, forgetting where she was.  Looking around the room  sleepily  it hit her she was not home. She was in a room in Hershey .It still felt as if she were dreaming until she heard gentle breathing .Realizing she was still in Jordan Knight’s room ,  She must have fallen asleep sometime after they had made love again.
Jordan Knight made love to her. The thought didn’t seem real. But it had to be dream. There was no way he’ d ever  give her a second glance much less remotely want someone like her. Attempting to jump out of bed Steph discovered an arm across her hip holding her tightly  in place.  Jordan’s unique scent filled her senses immediately , calming her .Unsure of what to do she tried to move his arm. It was like  a dead weight He wasn’t budging.
”Don’t “Jordan whispered sleepily , his eyes still closed.
”Don’t?” Steph  questioned softly.
"Don't get up. I like feeling you next to me" Jordan whispered, yawning
Steph’s eyes darted to the door wondering if this was a good idea .She could feel Jordan’s arm getting heavy from his body relaxing as he drifted back  to sleep. Shrugging she snuggled back into him and drifted off to sleep almost immediately. She may as well enjoy the fantasy while it lasted. Jordan felt her sink into the bed so he moved closer pulling her into him. Jordan wrapped his arms around her as he  drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.
Sun creeped through the blinds, waking her from the most peaceful sleep she had experienced in a long time. Steph felt rested for once in a very long time. Leaning on her elbow Steph laid there watching him sleep. She looked at the clock on her phone. It was way too fucking early .If he were Johnny she’d just slip back under the covers but this was Jordan Knight. She didn’t know what to do.
Jordan cracked an eye open slightly “Come back under the covers sweetheart “His voice thick with sleep.
“I- I could go back to –“
Jordan silenced  her with a look that made her heart stop.
“I’m not ready to let you go yet babe. Do you not like sharing a bed with me ?  Being in my arms ?”
“Jordan I told you this is – this is “
“Sweetheart if this is going to work you need to open up to me baby both mind and body. You’ve shared that amazing body now share your  thoughts , feelings but please for the love of god slip under these covers and let me hold you maybe go back to sleep for a few more hours “
Jordan possessively pulled her back against his chest holding her close , kissing her neck.
“Isn’t that better baby girl ?” He asked softly
Steph couldn’t stop the contented sigh that escaped her .Jordan’s thick raspy chuckle was the last thing she heard as sleep over took her again.

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