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When she said nothing Jordan cleared his throat

“I met Evelyn when we were kids. She had always been a part of my life. As we got famous she became my reality check so to speak. I waited for years to date her. I was riding high on our fame and the female attention. Things transitioned into a more romantic relationship slowly because she became severely jealous of the fans I did the best I could to buffer it , to make sure she understood it was my job and I loved her. We split several times. She got pregnant with DJ “ Jordan paused to take a drink and explain when Steph looked at him curiously .
“Dante” Jordan clarified placing his glass down before he continued.

“My plan was to end it because the stress of the fans, road ,life away from home , long distance thing was just too much .Then she  blindsided me . I was gonna be  a father. I pushed for dna testing because she had been unfaithful .I’m not innocent in that department but when I found out she fucked my best friend I decided to get even. We tried to make it work and were doing good until the band got back together .As long I was just Jordan not Jordan Knight the singer if that makes sense “
Steph nodded in understanding. Amazed he was sitting here with her opening up. She felt like an ass for being so guarded but she couldn’t help it.

Thank you Jeremy and Mike

She thought to herself feeling old anger for what they made her become .
“We married a few years after Dante was born trying to give him the family he deserved .Again as long as I was just Jordan she was fine. Minute a fan was mentioned she lost her shit. Eric wasn’t planned by any means but drunken stupors and stupidity can force a lot especially when you’re trying so hard to make your marriage work.” Jordan trailed off looking out the window as it began to drizzle outside. Steph was unsure of what to do. Obviously this was a tough subject for him.. She knew Jordan adored his boys.
As if regaining his composure Jordan turned back to her , smiling Jordan took her hand seeming to need the comfort. Steph  nervously squeezed his hand encouraging him to go on. It was then obvious to her that Jordan never shared this information with anyone outside of his inner circle she was sure.
“It has been a vicious cycle of trying to fix something that was long broken.” Jordan finished quietly swallowing emotionally as he licked his lower lip nervously.
Steph felt helpless. What was she supposed to say to that ?
As an oldies station  played softly throughout the empty diner. Jordan sat quietly

Did I just scare her away ? Dumb fuck

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