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A few hours later they were at the venue .Seated in a chair to the back of the stage Steph  watched Jordan go through the set list for the night. The anti nausea medication the doctor ordered seemed to help at least the nausea anyway. Her nerves were another issue altogether Jordan winked at her when he sat down at the keyboard and began to play around with familiar melodies. She worried about how their kids would react,how their families would react and even more what fans would say it hurt being called a slut and then the flavor of the week. She knew going in that there was a possibility of hatred from the fans but this was insane .

Voices filled the  theatre suddenly  as the vip's were led in Steph  watched as all the women filed in ,many dressed in outfits suitable for those half their age and having enough make up caked on to look like a clown. She was no beauty but they must have some major flaws to cake all that shit on like war paint Steph was deep in thought when she heard Jordan talking to a group of people .Gazing over toward Jordan , Steph's anxiety went into overdrive when she seen who they were. Several members of his family stood by the side of the stage chatting with him. Seeing the wide smile on Jordan's face while he chatted easily with his mother caused Steph's mouth curl up into a small smile of appreciation. Abruptly her mood changed and the smile faded when she began to feel like an intrude even stalker watching them chat privately. Getting up from the chair Steph  made her way to the ladies room to gather her thoughts and nerves .
"Hey ma will you go check on Steph. She just went to the bathroom in a hurry" Jordan asked his mom.
"Like that's not gonna be awkward for her but sure sweetheart" Marlene told him shaking her head
"I know it will be but I want to make sure she's okay" he told her  a worried tone in his voice.
"Jordan she probably seen us all over here  talking and freaked out. It's not like you've actually  formally introduced us you know."Marlene chastised.
"I know. We were planning on a formal meeting Sunday but you guys surprised me so it's bumped to today"  Searching her youngest child's eyes "This woman is that special to you Jordan isn't she ?"
"Yes she is" Jordan told his mother  smiling.
Marlene smiled back at him happy to see some sort of positive emotion in his eyes for a change
"I'll go check on her "she told him smiling.
"Thank Mama"
Nodding Marlene  made her way toward the ladies room.
"Must be nice being his current flavor " some woman dressed in thigh high boots despite the august heat and a micro mini that made her ass  look like two sausages were fighting for air in a low cut tank with obviously no bra spat at Steph as Marlene pushed open  the  ladies room door.
Steph said nothing but continued to wash her hands
"Excuse me but  just who the hell do you think you are talking to her like that? You need to apologize immediately" Marlene said sternly.
"Who the fuck you think you are ? Nasty old cougar bitch " the skank snapped back .
Steph's head shot up as her eyes locked with one's that were identical to Jordan's.
"Shit " she muttered knowing his mother had just witnessed this loud mouth's bullshit
"I happen to be the mother of the man that you're obviously trying to impress. I have news for you he would never give you the time of day. You look like a cheap hooker. Jordan loves this woman. Let me tell you what  when he finds out what you've said to her you'll be thrown out so fast you won't know what hit you. I suggest you apologize to her and beg her not to tell Jordan." Marlene snapped.
Steph's jaw dropped as the skank swore viciously  and stormed out of the room. Ensuring that the door slammed soundly rattling it and the loose mirror on the wall when it closed.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" Marlene asked.
Speechless and trying to keep the dam from breaking she swiped her eyes with her hand and nodded Marlene walked over and hugged her.
"I'm Marlene, Jordan's mom. He asked me to come check on you and I'm glad I did. Just ignore those jealous people. Don't let them ruin the happiness that you share with my son"

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