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They hadn’t defined what they were yet not completely.
”With?” Jordan asked eyeing her questioningly.
“Us “
“Well I’ve been thinking you and the kids could move here .You know a fresh start ?”
Affronted Steph spat “As what? Your dirty little secret?”
“No “ She wasn’t letting Jordan off that easy 
“Well then what ?It’s not like we even have a title”
“You just met my family what the fuck do you think you are ?” Jordan replied  tersely.
“And they didn’t like me that was obvious.” Steph snapped.
”They don’t know you!” Jordan shot back
“And they don’t want to either. I’m not your ex” Steph hissed.
”That’s not what I meant” 
“It is what I meant. Look maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe it is just what I thought it was...time for me to wake up” Steph pushed away from him  walking to the front door.
“Where you goin?” Jordan asked jumping out of the chair.
“I’m leaving” Steph sniffed fighting tears. He grabbed for her hand but she shoved it away “Leave me alone!”
”C’mon “ Jordan murmured
“You’re blowing this out of proportion.” he continued as he  tried to follow her again.
”Do not follow me just leave me alone!” Steph choked on a sob  slamming the door.
He followed her anyway  walking out the door
“Where are you going ?” he asked softly .
Steph was on her phone “Hang on” she told who ever was on the other end of the call.
“Doesn’t matter “
Jordan strode closer
“Come here please ?”
Steph hung up on whoever she was talking to   as she looked at Jordan with tears in her eyes
“Don’t touch me” she mumbled hoarsely
“Baby please “ Jordan whispered as he  pulled her in his arms
“Baby “ was all he got out  again before she shoved him away and ran off down the driveway. Thankfully the cab she called had been close and was waiting for her.
Steph got in the back seat refusing to look out the window  as they pulled out of the driveway she broke down completely. She  booked a flight to Philly as she  instructed the  driver to take her to the airport. Steph swore as they turned out of the driveway  coming  to the first traffic light she saw Jordan’s suv pull up behind them.
Jordan motioned for the driver to pull over , the driver continued after asking her what he should do . Steph instructed him to keep going ,watching Jordan in his car behind them the whole drive.
An hour later Steph walked through the airports doors and made her way through the checkpoints. Sitting in the lobby waiting for her plane to board she called Laura  explaining everything Laura sat quietly listening to her spill the entire story and promised she’d pick her up at the airport. As soon as she hung up Steph  realized there were several texts waiting  that no doubt came through while she was still on the phone .Deleting them without reading them she put the phone in her bag and boarded the plane. Steph never saw Jordan  standing at the terminal doors  tears streaming down his face ,watching her leave .

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