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She waited nervously with the other winners who were also getting their chance to meet Jordan. Then suddenly the music started blaring throughout the studio. Suddenly there he was. Right in front of them. Steph was so involved in watching Tiffany's reaction that she hadn't felt Jordan grab her hand. Looking up at him Steph was greeted with one of Jordan's huge mega watt smiles. Dimples and all. Sweet Jesus ! The electricity that jolted through her holy fuck. Had he felt it too?

Then it came time for each person to get their picture and maybe a hug. Steph's nerves were gone by then as anxiety she didn't realize she had kicked into overdrive despite the glass of wine she'd had with lunch before to calm her nerves. It far from helped she realized as another panic attack tried to take hold. Tiffany stepped aside to let Steph hug Jordan first because she knew her mother had waited a very long time for the opportunity. She definitely didn't want to steal this moment from her.

He wasn't her "favorite" anyway tiffany insisted.

Jordan's smile and awaiting arms for a hug eased Steph's nerves somewhat.On the other hand she was trying to keep herself together. Steph must have been failing miserably because as she felt his arms around her shoulders Jordan spoke low and soothingly to her.

"Relax "he whispered in her ear as he hugged her. "I don't bite you know "

Steph feeling his breath on her skin as his unique scent filled her senses rambled on to him just how long she had been a fan, showed him a special tattoo she had done that only a fan of his would understand the meaning. Jordan ran a finger over it softly causing her to inhale sharply as she felt goosebumps up and down her arm where his finger had touched. They were abruptly moved forward by the radio station personnel so the next in line could hug Jordan. That quickly the experience was over. Turning to leave Steph was stunned when one of the organizers tapped her shoulder.

"Ma'am?" she questioned.

Steph looked at her confused. Had they missed something? Done something wrong?

"Yes?" she replied skeptically. The woman motioned for them to follow her. Steph looked at Tiffany and shrugged. They were led to a lounge type room.

"Wait here please" she asked them smiling.

Then turning to Tiffany she politely asked

"This may be a little while sweetie would you like to wait or would you prefer to head out with the other winners ?"

"What is my mom waiting here for ?"Tiffany nervously asked the woman .

"I'm honestly sure Miss. Mr. Knight requested she stay "the young woman explained to Tiffany

.Steph looked at her daughter dumbfounded as confusion set in.

"Should I stay?" Tiffany asked.

Steph was nervous as hell. Had she said something ?Done something stupid.? She nodded silently.

"He'll only be a few minutes "The young woman assured them. She left them to sit in the quiet lounge. Twenty minutes passed as Steph became more anxious. She was ready to go get a cigarette. Hell to be honest her nerves were telling her to leave.

Tiffany convinced her to stay.

"Mom you've been waiting for an opportunity like this. Maybe Jordan noticed how nervous you were so he figured after you waiting all these years that you deserve a little bit more time"

"That's exactly what my thoughts were "a deep voice from somewhere behind them spoke softly ."Besides I think it's awesome what you did for your mother "Jordan told Tiffany as he sat down next to them.

Tiffany sat there grinning stupidly.

"I'm doing a tester solo show in August for a possible solo tour .I'd like you to be my guest "Jordan told Steph softly, smiling .

"What-wh-why me ?"She stammered nervously.

Jordan simply shrugged. "Why not you ?" he countered.

Steph twisted her fingers nervously.

"Your daughter here can be very convincing " Jordan continued as he winked conspiratorily at Tiffany.

Steph stared at Tiffany bewildered and confused, who just shrugged.

"Is it here in the city?".

She had never been anywhere besides the tri state area and New York to visit a friend once.

Jordan shook his head .

"New Bedford about an hour or so outside of Boston. Is that an issue?"

Steph sat quietly embarrassed and feeling defeated

.Tiffany spoke instead trying to keep things less stressful for her mother.

"She doesn't drive because of her medical issues plus we can't afford to travel like that with things so tight currently" she admitted.

"Details are still workable." Jordan said slyly as he winked at Tiffany again.

"I don't know .I work long hours, have a set schedule on the ambulance and then there's the whole money issue. It sucks being mom and dad sometimes "Steph whispered.

"What the fuck is wrong with you ?"She asked herself as soon as the words were out of her mouth.

"Dumb fuck"

They talked for a little while. Occasionally Steph shot confused looks at Tiffany as they talked about so much that had happened in the last few years. Steph wondered how exactly Jordan knew about those events. Specifically Johnny's death just two years before the reunion and Tiffany's introduction of the band that had brought Steph so much happiness throughout the years whose music also helped her through so much in her life.

"I'm sorry ladies but I gotta get outta here soon" Jordan told them, reluctantly sounding saddened by the thought.

"Tiffany work on her will you?" Jordan asked softly winking conspiratorilly at her .

She nodded enthusiastically. He was leaving. Steph felt like it was a dream. Jordan motioned to Tiffany to come over to him

"Work on her ok?" Jordan whispered hugging Tiffany as he quietly slipped a paper in her hand.

Tiffany nodded, smiling.

Steph was frozen. Jordan walked toward her slowly

"I told you I don't bite "he teased as he leaned in for another hug.

"It was great spending time with you this afternoon" Jordan told her dropping a kiss on her cheek just as he walked out the door of the lounge.

After the door was closed Steph looked at her daughter

"What the fuck just happened ?"

"You met Jordan Knight duh" Tiffany smirked.

They made their way to the exit and the parking lot where their ride was waiting. Jordan stood by a black suv with blackened windows with his arms across his chest wearing dark sunglasses.

Steph stopped abruptly and poked her daughter "He's still here "

"Rush hour ?"Tiffany shrugged.

Holy shit they had been inside the radio station for several hours ! Fuck! It was rush hour their ride was gonna be pissier than he probably already was because the radio station hadn't let him in to begin with. Great just what Steph needed to deal with that would most certainly fuck up what had been one of the best days of her life .They stopped and had Jordan's signature tattooed. Steph's above her heart and Tiffany's on her upper arm.

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