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Jordan knew immediately why recognized the ding it was her text tone for him. Jordan quickly opened the door. Not expecting him to open the door Steph jumped

"I thought I recognized that tone. How ? You said you had to work. How in the world did you get here?" Jordan asked excitedly surprised

"Victor "Steph whispered as her eyes darted everywhere nervously but never directly at him. Jordan quietly stepped into the hallway ,pulling her into his embrace hugging her tightly to him.

"God I missed you" Jordan whispered huskily in her ear.

"I missed you too . "Steph admitted softly. "Victor helped me set everything to surprise you. I was gonna wait til the show but then I heard all of the commotion when you got here and asked Victor about it "she whispered nervously.

"I'm so glad you're here. Do you want to come in?" Jordan asked his arm still around her shoulder as he pushed door open for her.

Nodding shyly Steph softly .

" Tiffany basically chased me out to surprise you "

"Awww. I'll have to thank her later " Jordan softly chuckled.

"Oh by the way I talked to Joe about her .He agreed to meet and hang out with her. I'll text him so that they can hang out tomorrow before the show" Jordan told her excitedly.

"She'll love that .Thank you "Steph said softly

"It's no problem.babe. Anything to bring a smile to that beautiful face of yours" he said as he leaned in for a kiss She hadn't realized how much she missed him until he had his arms around her .

"I didn't realize how much I missed you until you kissed me "she admitted shyly suddenly unsure of herself.

Pressing his lips to hers ,kissing her again, Jordan whispered "I'm so happy you're here baby"

"Me too I was afraid to come to your room. I figured you'd think I was being pushy "Steph whispered nervously her eyes everywhere but looking at Jordan.

"Why would I think that?" Jordan murmured against her lips . He could sense her nervousness.

"Because I've been told I'm pushy or a pain in the ass before by others and you're well you. Someone who could have whomever you want whenever you want" Steph whispered timidly.

Jordan could hear the fear of his rejection in her voice as tightened his arms around her

"I don't think you're pushy or a pain in the ass in any way. I have exactly who I want standing in front of me." He told her smiling Steph smiled, she couldn't help it his smile just like his voice captivated but calmed her .in so many ways it still felt like a dream. Steph just couldn't wrap her head around the fact that someone like Jordan wanted her .Had made love to her .She was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Would you like to sit down?" Jordan asked nervously as he sat on the edge of the plush king size bed.

What was he doing ? He felt like a nervous teenage boy .They had made love already there shouldn't be any nervousness between them.

Nervous Steph sat down next to him .what the hell was wrong with her?

Steph asked herself suddenly trembling slightly.

"Are you ok? You're shaking" Jordan asked softly; pulling the top blanket off of the bed wrapping it and his arms around her

" Nerves"

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