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Three weeks later- Mid August

The tour ended about a week after the Uniondale show .Seeing how exhausted all the guys were Steph was glad they were getting the break. As Jordan promised they spent every minute possible together. They spent time in Philly during part of the time before flying into Boston exploring . "Baby are you ok? Is the heat getting to you? You look like you don't feel good" Jordan looked worried
."I think it's all the traveling we've been doing .I usually don't get car sick or anything but with this heat holy fuck " Steph grumbled irritably.

"I didn't think it'd be like a fuckin inferno here too .You coulda warned me "

"I'm sorry sweetheart. Do you want to go back to the room and rest?" Jordan asked concerned .

"I think so .I'm sorry. Don't you have to go to the venue anyway?"

"It can wait if you're sick" Jordan assured her.

"It's this heat .It's just been really hot this summer "

"I think we should go back to the room so you can rest and cool down." Jordan declared as he turned the car around
"You can just drop me off and do what you gotta do you know " Steph reminded him.

"I'll say with you to make sure you're ok." Jordan insisted as he took her hand in his.

"Stubborn " Steph muttered
"Like you aren't?" He chuckled.

Shaking her head at him she said


"Yeah right" Jordan chuckled again

After a few minutes Steph felt her stomach flip flop beginning to churn.

Trying to enjoy her surroundings she tried not to let it bother her. She pulled a piece of gum from her bag , popping it into her mouth hoping it would help and quickly. Pulling up to the street close to their hotel Jordan realized it was barricaded off. He couldn't turn in the direction he planned frustrated he abruptly hit the breaks, completely swinging the car around to take another way to get where they needed to be.

"Why the fuck is the damn street blocked off?" Jordan grumbled as he turned the car around.

"Sign says something about a street fest or something "Steph told him softly

"There's always something going on here" He fussed

"I see this " Steph muttered absently putting her hand to her mouth.

"You ok?" He asked when she put her hand over her mouth
"Dead fish .Heat Nasty " Steph blanched as Jordan pulled over to the side of the road.

"Why'd you stop? " she asked through the hand over her mouth as the other one went to her stomach
"I'm pretty sure you're about to puke" Jordan replied. The words were barely out of his mouth when she flung the passenger door open, violently vomiting
"I called that one" Jordan whispered as he reached over to rub her back.

"F-Fuck you" she gagged.

He didn't say a word but kept rubbing her back.

Several minutes later her stomach stopped it's rebellion.

"Sorry I snapped at you. I don't get it my uncle owns a seafood place in Philly. I worked there for years. What the fuck!"

"It's probably just the heat" Jordan told her softly.

Feeling shitty Steph leaned her head back against the seat "I'm sorry "she whispered

"It's ok." Jordan murmured as he pulled away from the curb.

Popping another piece of gum in her mouth Steph watched in silence as Jordan adjusted the vent so the air was hitting her as she closed her eyes willing her stomach to stop waging a war.

"We'll be at the hotel in about five .minutes sweetheart " Jordan reassured her.

She nodded holding her mouth again

"Do I need to pull over again?" He asked

She shook her head "No"

"You sure?" He asked as he turned on to the street the hotel was on. She didn't say anything just nodding.

Jordan hurried into the parking lot, tossed a valet his keys, coming around to the passenger side Jordan walked over to the door helping Steph out of the car.

As soon as they were in the room Steph bolted to the bathroom. After several minutes she reemerged looking worn down ,her skin sallow

"Maybe a bad batch of fish yesterday? We stopped at that place remember ?"

"Wouldn't I be sick too if that were the case?" Jordan wondered as he motioned for her to lay on the bed next to him. Climbing into bed in a raspy voice she murmured "I hadn't thought about that. But didn't you order something different ?"

"I'm not sure. I mean I did order something different " he chuckled.

"Maybe you're pregnant" Jordan snickered"

Shut up .Stop playin around " Steph retorted.

Jordan just chuckled continuing to rub her back.

"Don't you have to do some things at the theater for the show ?"Steph whispered

"I'd rather be here" .

"Watching me puke ? " she asked making a face.

"No silly. Making sure you're ok and to be here in case you need something" Jordan replied in a huff

"I'm a big girl " she reminded him

"You have stuff that has to be handled before Saturday don't you? "

"I'll do it tomorrow. There's still enough the crew has to handle first before everything else " Jordan told her as he snuggled into her.

"Not that it'll matter your fans will be happy no matter what you do anyway " Steph murmured against his chest

"I'm only worried about you" he whispered.

"It's the heat ,the smell and the fish we had " she said softly

"My stomachs settled down now " Steph murmured soothingly

"I hope so" Jordan murmured.

"Me too .I don't wanna fuck up what time we have left together. I mean in a few days it'll be back to reality for me " Steph whispered somberly

"I don't want it to end either" Jordan admitted softly.

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