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The time arrived for Jordan to drop her off. He had to get back to work on the tour .If he hadn’t had to be in rehearsals for New Bedford as well as wrapping up the tour with the guys he would have stayed with her or brought her with him.
Steph's emotions were all over the place. Jordan could sense her uneasiness.
"I don't want to leave either baby girl" Jordan  admitted  softly
Unsure of what to say Steph remained quiet  as she wondered  to herself if this was just another bullshit  way  of killing time for him, a fling  or if she'd actually hear from him after he got back on the road. They had opened up to one another but that didn’t mean he would still want contact once he left.
"I'll make sure to Skype you as much as I can  I'll text and call too. I promise" Jordan  reassured her.
The look of dread in his eyes, Jordan  didn't want to leave her. Her nervousness back Steph  whispered emotionally as her voice broke several times.
"Y-your’re busy .You don't have to do that"
"I do have to do that. You're always on my mind. I have to talk to you. I need to  keep seeing  you." Jordan told her adamantly. Stunned Steph  just stared  at him, unsure what to say. What could she say to that? She was waiting for the other shoe to drop,to wake up from a dream. Jordan stood there watching her face. He could tell her mind was somewhere else ,racing. Hell  maybe she didn't think this was real. Victor walked over and tapped Jordan on the shoulder
"I hate to interrupt but ...."he said tapping his watch
"I know Victor. Is there anyway anyone can cover for me to get more time off?" He asked knowing the answer but trying to be hopeful.
Jordan knew  that he  was falling for her fast. The thought of being apart was driving him crazy.
Victor shook his head
"Tour's almost done bro another two weeks maybe ? But the others are gonna kick your ass if you don't make the bus. Rehearsals for the New Bedford  show" Victor smirked as he  reminded him
" I'll call Laura so you can get where you need to be "Steph suggested quietly not wanting to be the reason he was late for getting where he needed to be.
"Alright." He sighed in frustration glaring at  Victor. Jordan  turned to Steph 
"As soon as the tour is over I'll be here ,we can do whatever you want I'll call you as soon as we head out,we can Skype tonight if you want baby " He kissed her passionately, not wanting to leave. Stunned, unsure of what to say  Steph  just stared at him  nodding .Victor handed her a piece of paper with any and all ways to reach them if need be.
"J there's still time to drop her off we have to go down route thirty to get into Philly anyway." Victor  reminded him.
"Ok then. Let's go" Jordan  said.
"I don't wanna put you guys outta your way "Steph murmured .
"It's not out of the way at all and it gives us more time together" Jordan reasoned softly.
Smiling Steph  nodded as she  got into the side of the car that Victor held open for her. Jordan got in the seat next to her and pulled her into to him.
"I don't want to leave. I wish there was a way you could come with me" Jordan whispered
"We both have work to do "Steph replied
Part of her was still waiting for him to disappear. She’d heard his words knew he meant them but she was still a nobody. Despite what had happened between them she was nervous, completely unsure of herself and them.
"It's only two weeks. We'll Skype, text and call as often as we can. That should hopefully make it go by faster." He sighed
"Like five or six more shows Victor told me" she whispered.
"Yeah" he said looking down at his feet .Feeling unsure of herself  Steph absently  cuddled closer
"I hope you mean all of this. This  feels like a dream that I’ll wake up from soon "she whispered
"I mean every single word sweetheart" Jordan  whispered as he lay his head on hers.
She hated the  small city  she lived in outside of Philly  with a passion. It was one of the worst in the area  and despite this fact she was still glad she was out of the house she shared with Johnny. An area she once loved she  truly hated now.

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