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Steph  snuggled  closer. Her heart was screaming at her  to tell him how she felt, her mind on the other hand told her heart to shut the hell up. The fear the text messages from a few weeks before still  fresh in her mind.
Could she lay it out there again? Would he still mean what he said ?
Jordan  hadn’t said the words to her  since the angry messages from his family
Jordan sighed  sleepily  as he absently murmured
"I love you"  drifting into sleep With her eyes barely open and sleep trying to claim her Steph wasn't sure if she’d heard him right .Snuggling closer she let sleep take over.
A wave of nausea woke her out of a sound sleep and the dream she was having.
Had Jordan told he loved her again?
Before she could figure out the  answer she bolted from the bed for the bathroom almost knocking Jordan off of it in the process.
"What's going on?" He wondered  sleepily trying to figure out what happened.
Steph barely had a chance to close the door before she was retching in the toilet .
"Fuckin fish " she gagged
"I'm still not 100% sure it was the fish" Jordan told her still not fully awake.
She felt her stomach settle enough to move, grabbing Listerine and began  gargling before she walked  back out of the bathroom
"I hope it's not food poisoning " Steph  grumbled
"Do you need to go get checked out?" Jordan  asked
Steph hated hospitals and everything about them Shaking her head
"It'll pass Jordan." she whispered shakily.
"Maybe something for an upset stomach will help. Is there a twenty four hour pharmacy close by ?"
"Next door"  Before Steph could protest Jordan finished his thought
"I'll go get you something. You lay down and rest" Jordan  instructed  her as he headed out of the door
"Thank you "Steph whispered hoarsely  trying to smile.  Just before Jordan was completely  out the door  Steph whispered ,stopping him 
He walked back to the bed. “Yes baby girl?”
"I don't know if I heard you right earlier or if it was a dream or delirium from feeling nauseous but it doesn't matter “ Steph began rambling nervously .
“ What’s up baby ?” Jordan encouraged her to open up.
“I love you " Steph whispered nervously ,her eyes hooded
Jordan smiled a huge dimpled grin.
"You just made my night" He admitted softly.

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