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”There never was an us. You fulfilled a lonely fan’s fantasy. Just should’ve been more careful” Steph murmured running her hand over her belly protectively as she sat nervously biting her lower lip.
”I love you Stephanie ! You can’t deny that there’s love between us. Be my wife. You wanted to know what we are, we’re engaged  expectant  parents ” Jordan told Steph adamantly as he  stood beside her holding a ring box. Jordan hadn’t wanted to do this here  now or this way but he knew to get through to her he had to.
”Wh-what?” she stammered desperately trying to keep her composure as she rubbed her belly because the baby was kicking repeatedly.
”I’m serious marry me,be my mine. Be my wife “Jordan asked again as he dropped to one knee  popping open the box.
Still not looking at him she whispered “Don’t do this because of the baby”
“I’m doing this because I can’t live without you. I cancelled everything the day you left. Studio time, promotional stuff,tours,everything” Jordan admitted.
Steph’s emotions finally reached breaking .She couldn’t hold them back any longer. Stroking  her belly to calm the baby’s kicking as the dam opened. Jordan reached over ,taking her left hand in his.
Sliding  the ring on her ring finger ,kissing her hand.
”Calm down little peanut .Mommy’s ok” Jordan whispered soothingly to the baby as he rubbed her belly.
Finally Steph looked up at him,her eyes still blurred by tears
“Jordan” she whispered as the tears that threatened finally spilled over.
”I need you in my life. You,our family and our little peanut” Jordan whispered as he swallowed emotionally.
”I missed you” Steph admitted hoarsely.
”I missed you too” Jordan admitted softly as a tear ran down his cheek.
The door opened and Lacy walked in
“Hey folks I’m Lacy.Who’s ready to see a baby?” she asked smiling warmly.
Jordan sat down in the chair at the head of the ultrasound table  smiling. Steph laid back  listening  as Lacy instructed her  as the ultrasound machine whirred to life. Lacy squirted the gel onto Steph’s belly ,positioned the  probe and began to run it over her stomach
“Someone’s active today. Good “ Lacy chuckled. ”Ah there we go” Lacy told them  as she found the spot she was looking for.
”Here’s your baby’s face. Someone’s smiling it looks like” Lacy informed them chuckling again. ”Are we wanting to know the gender of the baby today ?” Lacy asked as she continued to move the probe around.”
Clinging to Steph’s hand Jordan excitedly answered “We would love to know the sex of the baby “
Lacy looked at Steph for confirmation as Steph nodded smiling.
”Ok lemme take a look and see if baby Dumont here will cooperate...ah just a little more… right here .Looks like you’re going to need a pink nursery, your baby’s a girl” Lacy told them smiling.

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