Fighting the Gladiator!

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Getting out of bed was getting harder and harder. Lance wasn't getting his normal eight hours of sleep, it was now four. He couldn't do his normal face routine so he looked like crap, bags under his eyes, droopy eyes, and his hair was a mess. "Come on Lance, you need to get up. Everyone is waiting for you and you need to eat. Just, get, up." He said to himself. "You're such a disappointment, just get up you loser." After twenty minutes he finally got up. "Hey guys, whats for breakfast?" He said, his voice still groggy from waking up. "Are you ok Lance?" Shiro asked. "Yea I'm fine just tired I guess." Lance said taking a tiny scoop of food goo. "Are you sure that's all you want, you look like shit." Pidge asked as they were typing on their computer. "Language." Shiro said in his stirn, dad voice. "Ah, that's a spicy meat-a-ball, oh no!" Pidge said laughing. "Don't worry I'm fine." Lance said putting a spoonful of goo in his mouth. He then pushed his bowl away, which still had good in it, and for up to leave. "I'm going to go train, if you need me I'll be fighting the gladiator." He said leaving. Lance wanted to prove themselves worthy so he went to get stronger. He chose the level Keith always chose. "Start session 40!" He'll to the room. Gladiators came from everywhere. Lance shot them left and right. After a while a gladiator snuck up behind him and hit him in the back of the neck, his back, and cut his arms and legs. Whatever the player could do, it did. Lance let out a whimper, trying to conceal a loud scream. He dropped his bayard and turned around but the robot cut his eyes. Lance punch the robot with everything he had, his depression, low self-esteem, anxiety. It took several minutes for Lance to get the gladiator straddled underneath him. He hit what he thinks it was it's face over and over again. He then Road off the gladiator and onto his back on the floor. "End seasion." Lance said weakly. As the gladiators fell through the ground he passed out. He felt numb, broken, and incredibly tired. He felt consciousness when he felt someone pick him up. Lance flailed his arms and legs and whined. His limbs went stiff because they ached so much. "Don't worry my boy, it's going to be alright." He heard Coran say. "Coran? Put me down, I can walk." He said with a groggy voice. "No can do, i need to take you to a healing pod and you can't walk in your condition." "Why bother taking me to a healing pod? There is no reason to waste energy to heal me."

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