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Lance packed his bag with what ever he could grab. He grabbed clothes, water and he went into the kitchen to grab food. With his cane he walked to the kitchen. He was in luck because he heard Hunk cooking. "Hey Hunk, how are you?" Lance asked. "I'm worried about Pidge, they could be anywhere. I just feel bad about losing them." Hunk said, Lance could here the guilt in his voice. "Don't worry Hunk, we'll get them back sooner than you think. Anyway got any food, I'm starving. I need about... seven days worth of food to keep me full." Lance said. "Seven days? What are you, a cow? How about this, I'll make you fifteen sandwiches to hide in your room so you don't have to come in here to ask for food. Is that good enough?" Hunk asked. "Hunk you are a golden ray of sunshine. That would be perfect! Where are you, I wanna hug you!" Lance said getting up and spreading his arms for a hug. Hunk chuckled and walked over to Lance to give him a hug. "Be safe out there Lance. Don't die and don't get captured." Hunk whispered in Lance's ear. Lance's eyes widen but then he relaxed. Hunk knew everything about everyone. "I'll be safe and I'll call you every day I'm out there so keep your helmet near by." Lance said breaking away from the hug. "Make sure they come home safe." Hunk said patting Lance on the shoulder. Lance smiled at Hunk. He sat there as Hunk told stories and made the sandwiches. When he was done he handed the food to Lance and wished him good luck. Lance put the food in his bag and walked to Blue. She opened to mouth and welcomed Lance with a soothing purr. He smiled as he looked through Blue's eyes. Everything looked so beautiful. You never really appreciate how wonderful something is unil you loose it. Lance flew out of the hangar and into the emptiness of space. "Don't worry Pidge, I'm coming for you." Lance turned on his comms and took a deep breath. "Lance to Pidge. Pidge can you hear me? Pidge?" Lance asked. All he could hear from the other side was silence.

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