You're not coming?

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(This is short, school has started so chapters will come later in the week and shorter. I promise to get longer ones put like those bigger ones)

Lance's POV

"You can't do this! You aren't the princess, I am!" Allura yelled like a child getting grounded. "You were never going to sign the treaty and we really wanted to go home! Allura, let Coran sign it and we could all go the Earth and be happy." Hunk pleaded. "No!" Allura yelled.

"That's enough!" Lotor yelled. "Allura, I dont care what you think right now but Coran is going to sign that treaty! I just needed someone from Voltron to sign it saying that Voltron and the Galra will have peace. So whether you like it or not this peace will happen! I dont even know why you dont want to sign it! This paper will mean peace forever, why won't you take it?!" Lotor crossed his arms waiting for an answer that never came. "Well?!" "I don't have to because I dont want to." She simply stated.

"Well whoopie doo for you! None of us care! Coran will now sign it so we can be done with all this fighting!" Lotor slammed his hand showing where Coran will sign and initial. Once Coran was done he looked it over.

"Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe. Thank you for your act of peace. The galra will now release the inslaved planet and prisoners. You may have just saved the universe. I will give the castle of lions enough fuel to make the voyage back to Earth." Lotor said shaking hands with Coran. "My pleasure, Lotor. Hunk, Pidge, Matt, lock the princess in her room on the castle. We dont need her running the chance's of us getting to Earth." Coran ordered.

"You're the princess." Pidge said to Corsn as they dragged Allura out of the room. Allura screamed protest snd treats as she was taken away.

"Finally, peace. You can finally go to Earth." Lotor smiled at me sweetly. "You're, you're not coming?" I asked. "I dont think I'll be welcomed. I'm a son of the emperor that enslaved most of the galaxy. I dont think many humans will welcome me with open arms." He confessed. "But you have to come! I can show you the beach and... andthe country side with all the different animals! You have to come!" I begged. All Lotor did was smile at me. "Lotor, please. I can't leave you. I don't want to go somewhere that you aren't." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. "You're going to be fine. I dont think you'll want a villain to ruin your planet." "But you're not a villain, you're a good guy! You won't ruin the planet! Just come with us!" I begged. I didnt notice at the time but the generals were staring at us along with the Alteans.

"Please," I whispered. "come with me."

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