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Thanks to fatel_afterdeathgeno and PhoenixFandom for the suggestions for this chapter!

I opened my eyes to the sound on rushing water. I sat up quickly but fell down just as quickly because I put my weight on my broken arm. I took in a deep breath and sat up, putting my weight on my not broken arm this time and turned my head to the sound of water. Because of my luck, the oasis of water was a football length away, awesome. I looked down at my shattered ankle, bone sticking out of the skin, and rolled on my stomach. I looked back at the oasis and sighed. I crawled and screamed as weighed was put on both of the horrible wounds. Time in this planet seem to be much slower than in Earth so it took about one and a half Earth DAY!? What the hell! I feel exhausted! I must've been so tired that I accidentally crawled right into the lake. As I drowned I panicked. I flailed my arms and kicked my legs. I was always a great swimmer but I just panicked and I felt like I lost my mind. I held my breath for too long and past our from lack of oxygen. As I passed out I felt my body being dragged down towards the bottom of the lake. Not too long after my eyes opened to a horrible cracking sound. I looked down to my broken arm to see the bones clicking into place along with my ankle. Then I felt minor discomfort in my chest as some ribs bonded back into their healthy state. After looking over my wounds I noticed that I was still undER WATER! IM GONNA DROWN, MY LIFE IS OVE- wait, I'm breathing. What the hell?! I can breath underwater, water healed my wounds, holy shit- "I'm Percy Jackson! Hell yeah!" I swam up to the surface and towards the shore. Once kn lance I looked at the injuries and only saw scares, the only evidence that there was any injury. "Well dame. That's fucking awesome. Well it does make since cuz I am the water paladin....I mean was the water paladin." I let out a deep sigh. 'How long am I going to be here?' I have no gun, food, or armor. Just fucking great. "WHY ME!? WHY ME GODDAMIT! WHATEVER GOD THERE IS OUT THERE WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" I choked back a sob. Why has the world given me such a bad life, the only time I was happy was when I was with Lotor. Home was horrible, my papa was a drunk abuser, my mama was always working and never saw the horrible man her husband was, and I always protected my siblings from ever being hurt. I would never let that pig lay a hand on them. I loved my family so much and protected them no matter what. I did whatever I needed to do protect anyone and everyone and this is what I'm repaid with. Everyone hating me and abandoning me. Life is so messed up.

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