Shiro's meltdown

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Shiro rose his metal arm while it was steaming hot and went to punch Coran. Lucky for Coran Allura pushed the orange haired goof out of the way and took the hit. Everyone gasped as Allura yelled and fell the the ground. A giant burn mark covered her left cheek. "Oh my God, I am so sorry! Allura are you ok!?" Shiro asked as he moved closer to her but Hunk stopped him. "Shiro you are out of control! You have abused Lance many times and now you injured Allura! You need to go and sort things out. You are out of the mission of finding Pidge and Lance! Go to your room, you're grounded!" Hunk shouted as he picked up Allura. "You can't ground me, I'm the adult!" Shiro barked with fury in his eyes. Keith grabbed Shiro's flesh hand and dragged him out of the room. Once in the hallway Keith pushes Shiro to the wall. "What is wrong with you, you've changed. Why, what made you so angry?" Keith glares at Shiro. Shiro sighed and looked away. "Lance was always a useless paladin so when he went blind he was even more useless. I gave him a hard time to make him a paladin with tougher skin but he never got tougher so I tried to abuse him so he was fight hard but I guess it didn't work." Keith's jaw dropped but his face melted into anger. "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU HANDLE A BOY WHO'S STRUGGLING! YOU'RE SUCH A HORRIBLE LEADER! YOU USED TO BE HIS HERO BUT NOW HE FEARS YOU, MY GOD!" Keith screamed. "Go to your fucking room and think of what you've done." Keith said as a pointed into the direaction the rooms where in. "I'm not six, I'm not going to my room!" Shiro protested. "Actually you are. Go!" Keith shoved Shiro. Shiro stood there in disbelief but after a minute he left.  Keith watched as Shiro left and sighed. He walked back into the room and walked over to the group. "Is Allura alright?" He asked. "She'll be alright, she just needs to rest." Coran stated. Just then red light burned through the halls and sirens blared in each room. "Oh not now, where down two lions! What are we going to do?" Hunk shouted. Coran checked the cameras and saw that two giant battle cruisers flew outside and blasted the castle. "Get to your lions! We'll find a way out of this on the battlefield!" Coran shouted. "Be safe and fight hard. I believe in you all." Coran said sweetly to the two Paladins as they ran to the lions.

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