Where are they now?

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So basically this is just what happned to everyone in the future.

After Pidge got back to her family she went back to school and then got into Harvard. When she got into her twenties she went back to going my Katie and opened up her own college about what happned out I the galaxy. She thought about the different species and planets that she had explored. Sometimes Coran and Lotor would make a guest appearance to talk about their culture.

Matt decides to work at the Galaxy Garrison to tell what is out there, beyond the Milky Way. He also tells about Shiro and his heroism before he went insane.

Hunk met up with his family and opened up his own restaurant called "Out of this world" where he makes food from the different planets that he was manage to get. So far he has four and a half stars. Everyday is busy in his restaurant. He also has a girlfriend named Sasha who is a gardener.

Coran decides to explore Earth. He travels everyday with a group of humans who explain about the human life. After he explores the Earth he plans to work with Pidge at the college.

Ezor, Zethrige, and Axua rule over the galra. They make sure the galra keep peaceful and that they dont go rogue. Ezor and Zethrige decided they liked each other more than friends and decided to start dating. Axua approves of the relationship and hopes it continues.

Allura now travels the galaxy to make a team that will rise up against the galra and Voltron. Allura made many attempts to fight the galra on her own but has been defeated many times. She has also been arrested many times but let go because of mental problems. Allura is now making a plan to attack the paladins on Earth with help of other insane aliens.

After two years Lotor and Lance decided it was time and got married. After a lot of convincing, Lance's parents aloud Lotor to pop the question. Now they've been married for a couple of years and adopted a girl and named her Camiline. They helped make Hunk's restaurant start up and helped Katie make her college. They funded Coran's tour of planet and check up on the generals each year. They both have PTSD and Lance's depression got worse but they help each other through it. They love each other so much and love their girl even more.


Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting! I'm glad you guys liked my story and actually read the whole thing! ❤ Have a good day!

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