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Lance's POV:

Lotor stared at me with wide eyes and was frozen in his place. "W-what are you doing in my room?! Go away!" I said dropping the gun on my bed. Lotor rushed to the bed and threw the gun out of the room. "How long?! How long has this been going on?!" Lotor shouted. I could tell that he was scared and confused and I just felt really guilty. "W-why does it even matter?" I muttered. His scared expression turned into anger. "Come on, let's go! We're going to the clinic to bandage up you! After that I'm going to try to get someone you earthlings call a therapist! How dare you do this!" Lotor yelled. He grabbed my left wrist and dragged me out to the hall and twords the clinic. I struggled to get my wrist free but he turned around and glared at me. "Do I have to carry you there myself?" Lotor asked. "I'll like to see you try." I said smugly. His jaw clenched and glared at me in frustration. He swiftly grabbed me under my thighs and lifted me over his shoulder. I pounded on his back with my arms, splattering blood on his back, and kicked his chest. "Let me go, let me go, let me go!!!" I screamed. "Dont waste your time, I'm not letting you go 'til we get to the clinic so the nurse can take a look at the damage." Lotor explained. "Ugh, I hate you! Leave me alone! I hate you!!" I screamed like a child who's parent didn't let them go to a birthday party. Lotor then suddenly stopped walking. He took a deep breath and began talking in a small voice. "Lance, all I've ever done is taken care of you and helped you and this is how you repay me? You say you hate me? I'm trying to help you and get you better. You're obviously depressed and I want you better. You deserve to be better. Now I better get you to the clinic or you may die by blood loss." Lotor's voice sounded as if his lip was quivering. "A-are you... Are you crying Lotor?" I asked. I felt so guilty that I made Lotor so miserable. "Yes, yes I am. I so sorry that I lashed out at you, telling you that I would make you a prisoner. I'm sorry that I wasn't the best Prince that I could've been. I should have looked out for my generals and I'm so sorry. You are important to all of us." Lotor said after setting me down and looking into my eyes with sorrow. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to have burden you like this." I said sobbing. "Come on, let's go get you some help." Lotor said leading me down the hall. The thing that neither of us knew is that Haggar was spying on us and was pleased of what she saw.

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