Prepare for battle!

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Allura's POV

We all gathered around the pod that held the red paladin, or what's left of him. We put him in the healing pod hoping that he could survive but we were just dangling on hope. He didn't last a minute after the shot and who could? After the pod told us the thing that we didn't want to believe everyone was a mess, well almost everyone. Everyone was sobbing but Coran, he just has one single tear roll down his calm face. "This is so sad. Alexa play Despacito." (I'm so sorry) I heard Pidge whisper under their breath and let out a sad chuckle. I didn't understand it but it must be a very honorable thing on Earth. "P-pidge? Call Matt." I whimpered. "Why?" They asked. "Just do it. There is something important I need from him." I answered. Pidge nodded and ran off to grab their communicator. It took many jours, I think that's what humans call it, for Matt to show up. "What do you need, Princess? I heard of the unfortunate event that happened. Sorry for your loss." Matt said walking towards me. "We need a new red paladin and your the best option we have. Can you try and be a paladin?" I pleaded. "Of course Princess! I'll have to tell my other rebel leaders about the switch of positions." Matt exclaimed. I nodded and led Matt to the red lion. "Just go up I guess. See if it likes you." I said once we go to the red lion. I sat there for a jour and nothing happned. I finally got tired of waiting and walked up to Matt and the lion. "Listen all you have to do is this: Hello majestic Red Lion! My name is Princess Allura and I shall be your new paladin! Is it that hard?!" I yelled. After I finished the red lion's eyes glowed bright and knelt down. She opened her mouth an allowed me inside. "Whoa, good job Princess! I guess I won't be a-" All of a sudden Matt's eyes grew unfocused and became silent. "Matt?" "Do you not hear that?" He asked. "Here what?" "The Blue lion, its talking." He answered. "Go, go! What are you still doing here!? Go!" I yelled and ran after Matt. When we arrived to the lion she was already opened and ready for Matt's arrival. "Looks like we got a new Blue Paladin. Welcome to the team Matt. Now we shall prepare for battle. We will show no mercy on the battlefield, we will take down the galra empire, and free the entire galaxy!"

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