The fall.

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Hunk and Keith hurried to their lions and prepared for the bloody battle they were about to have. "Are you ready Hunk?" Keith asked as they headed out of the hangers. "No!" Hunk replied. Keith sighed and flew towards the battle ship. Hunk rammed into the ion canon but it didn't budge. "Hunk, blast it!" Keith barked. Hunk nodded and blasted the canon. On impact the canon sparked a few times and then exploded. "Thanks Hunk now we have to-" Keith wad cut off as fighter jet came from everywhere and targeted mostly Keith. Keith tried to avoid the blast but there was to many. He looked at Hunk for help but he was being attacked as well. "There's to many, we can't do this alone! We need help!" Hunk shouted. "Coran, can you assist us?! We're taking heavy fire!" Keith yelled. The communication system was messed up and the only thing coming from the castle was static. Keith grunted and slammed his fist on the dashboard. They couldn't handle much more. Hunk's lion has been hit very hard and he had sever whiplash, and all of Keith's systems were down leaving him helpess. Hunk was being hysterical and kept ranting. Hunk was so worried that Keith was dead because he wasn't responding and he was left all alone. In reality Keith was just knocked out but that wasn't any better. After such a long time of just being a punching bag the galra left seeing that no one was left and they had nothing to fight for. The castle soon came to pick up the lions and Coran came to check on the two Paladins. He dragged the red paladin to the healing pods to heal two broken rids, a broken nose, and a concussion. He then came to see the yellow paladin. When opening the lion he found a sad and broken paladin. He walked with Hunk to another pod for whiplash, dislocated shoulder, and concussion as well. Coran sat next to Allura and sighed. "Is this really going to be the end of Voltron?" Allura asked Coran. "I don't know Allura. I wish I could tell you everything will be ok but I can't promise anything." Coran sighed. "Get your rest, we had a long day. We'll find Lance and Pidge so we can form Voltron." Allura said giving a weak smile to Coran. Coran was going to talk back but nodded and walked to his room. Allura say and looked at the stars. "What have we done?" Allura questioned before she fell asleep on the castle floor.

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