Water tricks

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Lance's POV

"Uuuuuuuggggghhhhh!" "What is it Lance?" "Iiiiiiiimmmmmmmm boooooorrrreddd!" I groaned. I layed on one of the cows as Tori glared at me. Tori is my new bestie. We met when I was taking care of the cows and she bumped into me which made me fall in the cow shit; not the best introduction but it's all good now eventhough I ended up burning that pair of clothing. "Well you could do work instead of laying on the kaltenecker. We still have to harvest the plants, plant seeds, and water the plants that haven't been harvested and the newly planted seeds." Tori explained. "Uuuuggghhhhhh!" I groaned. As I did Tori threw a shovel at me but luckily I dodged out of the way in time. "Holy shit Tori! That almost hit me!" I yelped. "I won't miss next time." I growled. "I-i'll just get the water for the plants." I said and escaped the wrath of Tori. It's been about two weeks since I've been dumped here and about a week since Lotor had heard the message. I hope he gets here soon. Don't get me wrong, I love it here but I really miss Lotor and the generals. As I filled the buckets with water I remembered the pond where I almost drowned. Was I just hallucinating or did that really happen? I looked at the water filled buckets and thought. Maybe if I just... I held out my hand and lifted up and though of the movement. After doing it for a minute and slowly loosing hope the water shot out of the bucket and onto the ceiling. "Holy shit!" I heard someone yell and I turned around to see Tori. "Hey Tori, how long have you been standing there?" I questioned. "Long enough to see water shoot onto the ceiling! How the hell did you do that?!" He asked. I walked over to the second bucket, "Well I just kinda," I said as I flicked my wrist upward and water shot out. "did that." I explained. "Forget work, let's test out your new powers!" I yelled as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a pond. "Do something cool! Do something cool!" She pleaded. "Um, I don't really know how it works. I found out when I fell here and almost drowned." I confessed. "Just wave your hands around. It's bound to do something." Tori suggested. I hummed and flicked my hands around in circles. At first nothing happned but then a hurricane sprouted from the water. "Holy crap! That's amazing!" Tori exclaimed. I slowed my hands and the hurricane dissapered. I then swiped my hands through the air and a wave of water shot out of the pond. All of a sudden a scream was heard. I looked at Tori to see that she was looking at something behind me with a terrified expression. I turned around and saw Camiline soaked with water. "You are in So Much trouble!" She screamed and ran towards me. I screeched as I ran as fast as I could but Camiline was close behind. "I'm gonna kill you!" I looked behind me to see Camiline holding a dagger which made me scream more. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I yelled. I turned a corner but Camiline gained the upper hand because I slowed to turn. She tackled me to the ground and held the knife to my throat. "Give me one reason I shouldn't cut your neck." She growled. "I wouldn't appreciate if one of my generals died today." A voice said. I gasped and kicked Camiline off of me and ran to the voice. "Lotor!" I yelled as I hugged the taller man. "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you on time. I heard what happened and I'm truly sorry." Lotor said as he stroked my hair. "I'm so glad you're here." "Come on, let's get you to the ship."

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