Lance? Are you okay?

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Lotor's POV

"He's been there for awhile, do you think the nurse was baffled by him being human. Could she have bad intentions with Lance?" I asked looking at Acxa. It's been more than an hour. I dont know much about human analogy but galras don't talk more than thirty minutes to heal. "I think he'll be fine, you're thinking too much about it." Acxa replied. Ezor walked in looking concerned. I was looking around her to see if Lance was traveling behind her but he wasn't there. "Where's Lance? Did the operation go well?" I asked. "Lance is okay but the lower half of his face is bandage so no more friction would happen between the bones that was broken." Ezor explained. "Where is he now? Is he still in the clinic?" I asked with concern. "Well no, but Lance looked a little down after he walked out of the clinic. I asked what was wrong but all he said was that he was just tired and he wanted to go to his room." Ezor explained. "I'll go check on him. Maybe he's homesick." I offered. The others nodded and I walked off towards his room. As I got closer and closer towards Lance's room the clearer I could hear muffled sobs. When I stood outside the door the sobs became clear and messy. I softly knocked on the door and waited to be welcomed in. I heard a gasp and rushed movements going around in the room. The movements then calmed down and the door slowly opened. "Can I help you?" Lance asked. White bandages covered his nose down to his chin like a mask and you could only see his cold, blue, eyes. Some parts of the mask were covered is blood but for the most part it was clean. "I came to check up on you. Ezor said that after the operation you left. Are you okay?" I asked. "Y-yea, I'm alright. I'm just a little tired." Lance said and yawned. "Lance, I can see you're lying. I can see right through your lies. What's wrong?" I asked more stern. "I just miss my family on my home planet. Nothing I haven't delt with. Don't worry, I'm fine. Goodnight Lotor." He said trying to close the door. I grasped the door and held it open. "There is no use to lie, I will stand here until you tell me the truth. If you won't tell me then I will have no choice but to have an escort to lead you everywhere you go. Make sure you wont get hurt and upset. If you get upset during a mission then that could cost us the mission. Now I order you to tell me what is the matter." I hated bossing my generals around like prisoners but I need to figure this out. "You are no Prince of mine so i dont expect you to treat my like a servant! You have no power over me!" Lance screamed. "The moment you chose to he my general you became one of my loyal subjects! You chose to become part of the empire! You chose to follow me! If you no longer want to be apart do the empire then I can make you a prisoner! I can make you fight the gladiator and rot to die! Is that what you rather happen?!" I yelled back. I glared at Lance as horror filled his eyes. "No, Prince Lotor. If you excuse me I would like to lay down now. May I take a nap?" Lance questioned. "Lance I'm so sorry, I didn't-" I was saying but Lance held his hand up to stop me. Lance had tears streaming down his face and soaking his bandages. "May I take a nap?" Lance asked again. I sighed in defeat, "Yes Lance, you may. I'll send Zethrige to wake you up when we start training. Lance? I'm so sorry, don't make a prince beg for forgiveness." I said, apologising. "You won't have to beg, I don't forgive you. You have to prove that you are truly sorry. Until then, goodbye Prince Lotor." Lance said before closing the door. 'What the hell have I done?'

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