I-I can explain!

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"I, um... So what happened was that um..." Lance stuttered. "Talk English! Why did you leave, you dumbass!?" Shiro shouted. Hot tears flowed from Lance's eyes and he let out a sob. "Two weeks of me missing and this is how you greet me? I'm sad to say I'm not surprised! I've been treated like shit from you Shiro and whenever I hear or see you I get an anxiety spike. Allura, you always yell at me even if I didn't do anything wrong, you always expect the worst of me and I don't know why. Keith uses me as a punching bag but treated me with more respect both of you could never do. Hunk and Pidge are the only ones to tolerate me. Even if Pidge would sometimes be rude to me she would come back and be nice to me. Corran was the only one who would listen to me whenever I needed it and he was the closest thing to a family I have left. He is the best person I've ever met and I'm so sorry I have to leave you, you don't deserve this!" Lance started to laugh while streams of tears slid down his tan cheeks. "I want to be useful in anyway but when I trained I go blind, even when I try the hardest I fail. Look at me, I'm a blind fool who can't do shit. A depressed idiot shouldn't be in space so if I can do anything right I'll try just to make mamá proud. Be mad at me all you want, I'm not coming back until I find Pidge." Lance said. Everyone looked at him in awe. Shiro's anger melted into guilt, Allura's face was now flooded with guilty tears, Keith turned his back to the screen, hiding his face, and Hunk had broken into tears. Coran knelt on the ground and was sobbing, Lance was a son to him and loved him with all his heart. He was so guilty about his friend that he blamed everything on himself. "I may not be able to see but I can tell that you're all torn about my words but they're all true. Don't come looking for me. Hunk, Coran, Keith, I'll miss you but the rest of you can die in the void of space." Lance said before turning the comms off. Lance took a deep breath and leaned back in his seat. He broke down into tears and listened to the soothing purr of Blue.
(At the castle)
"Well nice going Shiro, you broke Lance!" Keith said breaking the silence. He turned back to the group and showed his red, swollen eyes and dried tear streaks running down his face. "What do you mean I broke Lance?! Allura has been working us to the bone!" Shiro shouted back. "No she hasn't! You've been an asshole whenever you saw the poor boy! You are such a bitch!" Coran yelled.  Everyone stared at him. He hasn't said a word since Lance left, he was the only one who noticed his appcence. "Coran calm down, you have no right to say that." Shiro said after taking a few breaths to calm down. "I do have a right to say the things I did! You hurt Lance physically and mentally! You don't deserve Lance!" Coran yelled as he pointed a finger to Shiro's chest. What Shiro did next surprised everyone.

A/N I'm so so so so sorry I haven't posted in awhile and I swear I'll do better! Happy holidays!

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