Lost Love Shall be Found

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Lotor's POV

I lost him.

I lost my love.

It all happened so fast. One moment he was here and the next he was being dragged away by the paladins. He told me the horrible things they did to him and now I fear for his life. While looking for him I made myself so busy work like helping galras with disabilities and half bloods escape from Zarkon killing them. I placed them on a planet called Cianea where they wouldn't be disturbed. Before Lance I wouldn't have done that but he's made me kind hearted. "Prince Lotor." Ezor said. "Yes?" "We've located Voltron's ship sir. Shall we follow them?" She asked. "Yes, follow them and we shall board their ship. Once we find Lance we take him and kill the team." I explained. Ezor smirked and did a play bow before she walked away. "I'm coming my love."

~~WOooOOoo I'm a TIiiiIme SkiiIiip~~

"Sir, we've reached the voltron ship. Are you ready to board?" Ezor asked. I nodded and stood up, already in armor. I took out my guns and jumped out the ship. I landed on the roof and looked around for a panel. I located a panel/vent and jumped on it which resulted in it collapsing inward. I fell through and landed in a vent system. I crawled around until I reached another panel and slammed my fist onto it so it fell. I slithered my way out of the vent and landed on the ground. "Okay, we're all in positions." Zethrige said the comms. "Proceed to step two." I replied and walked to where voices were. I opened the door slightly and saw the green paladin and the yellow paladin talking. I kicked the door wide opened and shot both paladins with a tranquilizer. "I got the green and yellow paladins." I said into the comms. "The red, puny one is taken care of." Zethrige replied. "I retrieved the black." Axua said. "And I got the princess and Mr. Mustache!" Ezor exclaimed. "Good, has anyone seen Lance?" I asked. Everyone replied with some sort of no. I sighed, "Okay, bring everone to the star map and we'll figure everything out." I flung the green paladin over my shoulder and dragged the yellow one by the arm. For a paladin the green one is very small, especially for a male. As everyone arrived the red paladin woke up. He thrashed against his restraints we had put on all the paladins until his eyes landed on me. "Lotor." He growled. "Half blood." I greeted, he flinched at the name. Interesting. As he struggled some more the others woke up. "Now that everyone is awake we can discuss something." I began. "We're not giving you anything! Whatever you want you won't get it!" The black paladin shouted. "Oh, it's not what I want. It's who I want." I said. "We're not handing any of us over! Forget it!" The green one spoke up. "I dont want any of you. Where is Lance!?" I demanded. Everyone's eyes went wide and their faces paled. "Well? Where is he?!" I yelled. "Well, we don't know." The princess spoke. "What do you mean YOU DON'T KNOW?! YOU TOOK HIM FROM MY SHIP AND BROUGHT HIM HERE! HOW COULD YOU MISPLACE HIM!?" I yelled. "Keith kinda through him out the ship." The yellow one said nodding to the red one named Keith. I looked at him with so much disgusted and took out my gun. As I did everyone shouted in unison, begging me not to use it. I ignored them and glared at the red paladin. "A life for a life." I said grimly. I aimed my gun at him and shot him in the head.

For my love.

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