My love is a traitor

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Keith's POV

When Lance left I felt devastated. Lance is a handsome and wonderful man. I'm usually not the one to Express feelings other than anger, anger, and more anger but I really like Lance and I want him to give me a shot. If only I knew who Lance fell for and I could take them out. I sighed and walked to the training room to forget the feelings I have for Lance, he probably doesn't even like guys. As I approached the training room I heard guns being fired and grunts of struggle. I sighed as I put away my small blade a peered to see who took my chance of training. I was shocked to see Lance training because before he was captured Lance never trained if he wasn't told to, he would just lay around. I watched him reload the amo pack and shoot more robots until one of them hit the gun across the room. Lance groaned in annoyance. I expected him to run for the gun but instead he engage in hand to hand combat. Lance's movements were swift and clean, definitely filled with some kind of anger. What also surprised me was the type of gun he chose, a glock, all I've ever seen him use was his bayard gun. Speaking of which, where was it? I waited till Lance had defeated the robots and walked in. "Nice fighting Lance, where'd you learn to fight like that?" I asked walking towards him. "Lotor and the generals taught me." Lance said while holding an injured arm, it'll probably just bruise. I was confused, why would Lotor teach him to fight? "Where did your bayard and armor go?"

"My room on the galra ship."

"You had a room and not a cell?"

"Yea, it doesn't matter."

"Things just dont add up. Lotor teaches you to fight, gives you a room instead of a cell, teaches you to heal yourself without a pod. It sounds like you were a guest and not a prisoner. I dont understand! Why is the bad guy helping you!?" I yelled in confusion. As I said the last sentence I saw something in Lance's amazing guy darken. "Lotor isn't a bad guy! If you actually talked to him instead of fighting him you would understand! Actually, he wouldn't treat you like he treats me, you are a selfish person! You are ignorant and rude and I know you love me but I dont feel the same about you, you need to let it go!" He yelled. As he yelled something clicked. "You love Lotor dont you?" I asked in disbelief. "That's nons of your business!" "So it's true! You're in love with the enemy!" I yelled. I lost Lance to LOTOR?! "SHIIIIRROOOOO!" I yelled as I ran out of the room, Lance is a traitor!

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