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Lance's POV

I woke up to knocking on the front door. I looked at the discarded armor at the side of the bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to the chest plate stabbing into my sides so I threw off at the protective gear to the side. I quickly threw the armor and opened the door. "Good morning Camiline." I greeted while rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Good morning Lance, I've brought breakfast and water for you." She handed me a new bowl of fruit and a pitcher of water. "Thank you, come in. We shall discuss Lotor over breakfast." I said as I led her into the house. I sat the fruit and pitcher on the table that separated us and sat down on a wooden chair. "What would you like to know?" She asked, pouring herself a glass of water. "Everything." I stated. She stopped pouring water and looked at me. "This might take awhile." I said. "I don't mind, I want to know everything." She nodded before she started.

Camiline's POV (didn't expect that did ya?)

I cleared my throat before beginning. "When Zarkon was in power he treated the half bloods very poorly. We would be slaves. We cooked for him, cleaned for him, took care of him. Some of us were not so lucky to have those jobs, if you were pretty enough and he was bored he would make you his wife. He would basically rape you." I shivered at the memory. "And many other things that I don't want to talk about. Lotor saw this and didn't like it, he thought it was unjust. He found a remote planet that could hold life and made a village. He built houses, made food for our arrival, and made sure that he put everything we needed here. Little by little he snuck out half-bred galras to the planet while Zarkon wasn't looking but towards the end Zarkon started to notice. The last ones to escape were the wives which included me. Zorkon locked us in a heavily guarded prison cell and we barely escaped. When we were headed to the planet the galra found our ship and attacked. It didn't help that one of the wives were pregnant. They shot at our ship and disconnected one of our wings. The galra assumed we died because we crashed on an planet with very hostile creatures on it. When we came to, because we pasted out, the creatures had surrounded our ship. Luckily Lotor took out a communication device, like this," I said as I pulled out the communication device from my back pocket, "and called for help from the village and luckily someone answered. They found us and saved us. The pregnant wife had a heathly baby, named it Yorak, (Not Keith, it's just a popular name) and now we live happily in the planet. All the other galra don't know where we are and they never will." I said while smiling. "W-w-w-wait, Yorak?!" He laughed. "What kind of name is that?!" I frowned. "It's the most popular boy name of the galras." I put the device on the the table and grabbed an apple. As I took a bite from the apple Lance gasped. "We can us the walkie-talkie to contact Lotor so he can get me!" He yelled as he grabbed the communicator. "Walkie-talkie? What's that?" I asked. "Just a thing on Earth. Anyway we can call Lotor!" He jumped around the house happily. "Lotor needs to have his communicator on for the message to pass through. One time it took many, what earthlings call, days for Lotor to see that we have sent a message." I explained. Lance stopped jumping and sat on the chair pouting. "I'll send the message and I'll tell you if Lotor replies." "Okay. Thank you for the explanation." He said while sighing. "No problem Lance. I need to go work on the farm. I'll let you settle into your house before I make you work. Eventhough you are a guest you are expected to work and help out." I said. "Its fine. I wouldn't expect anything else. Thank you for the hospitality." He said as I left. I took out my communicator and pressed a button. "Lotor, this is Camiline of village six. An earthling named Lance said that he was one of your generals and requested that you pick him up. I repeat, this is Camiline of village six. An earthling named Lance said that he was one of your generals and requested that you pick him up. Over." I released the button and pressed the second button. This shall make a light flash on Lotor's com to let him know that a message has been sent. I put the device in my pocket and then started to walk over to the farm to take care of the kalteneckers.

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