The journey in Lance's mind

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Icy cold tears fell one by one from Lance's face. He was alone in his crime mind. Everywhere he looked there was darkness and loneliness. "Please! Anyone! You can't leave me alone! P-please... please don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone with myself." Lance fell to his knees hugging himself. "Why am I such a disappointment? Why can't I do anything right?! Why am I here alone?!" Lance said as more tears fell down his cheeks. "I wish someone was here with me..." He said calming down. "Hello?" Lance heard a familiar voice say. "Mama? Mama, where are you?!" He said bolting up and looked around. He saw his mother standing there in awe. "Mojo? Is that really you?" She said tearing up. "Mama it's me! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! Please dont hate me!" He said hugging her with all of his strength. "No, no. Don't be sorry, I would never hate you. I'm happy I finally found you but where are we?" She said stroking the back of Lance's hair. Lance pulled away from there hug. What would he tell her, that he got hurt and was now in a magic healing pod because he almost died fighting a gladiator in a ancient alien castle with all the other missing children and Shiro? "Uh, does that really matter? We're together and I love you mama." His mother then started laughing with the most twisted smile Lance ever saw. "Mama mia. Are you ok Mama?" Lance asked. His mother then melted like wax into a purple blob which then turned into Lotor. "Oh Blue Paladin, you dont matter. Your life is meaningless. Your 'friends' don't care about you." He said walking circles around Lance. "Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!" Lance said covering his ears and falling to his knees. "Not until you figure out that you don't matter! Everyone you knew on Earth forgot about you! No one give a fuck that you when missing! There are fliers for Hunk and Pidge but not you! No one loves you!" All of a sudden Lance's tears stopped falling, his hands slowly uncovered his ears, and looked up. "I don't care. I know that no one likes me. I know that I don't matter. I know that I have no meaning. I already hate myself so your words have no effect because I've been telling myself this my whole life." Lance said like he's told it a thousand times. He then turned around and walked into the nothingness of his brain.

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