It seems to be the end.

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Lance put on his armour on and grabbed his bayard. Someone grabbed his sholder as he walked to his lion. "Lance, are you sure you'll be able to do this? It's ok if you can't, we'll ask someone else to fight in a ship." Lance heard Shiro say. Lance yanked his shoulder away from Shiro. "I'll be fine. You just need to stay out of my way so you don't fuck everything up. I don't need a babysitter, I need a leader which you probably forgot how to do. Get to your lion and let's go, the others are waiting for us." Lance said sternly. He heard Shiro grunt like the pig he is and walk off. Shiro mumbled something under his breath but Lance didn't care, this was his chance to win and get back home. He won't let Shiro ruin this for him. Lance got into his lion amd sat down. His seat slid up and heard the screen flashed alive. He slid on his helmet and turned on the communicator. "Is everyone ready? The rebels are in position and are waiting for orders." The princess said with determination. "We're ready Allura, send the rebels out. Paladins lead your group to your destination and wait for further instructions." Shiro said. Everyone flew away as they lead their own group of rebels. Lance flew away with the ships following. He got to his destionation without any trouble and waited for the order to attack. Silence hung in the air and no one spoke. The only thing he could hear were the Paladins breathing until Coran's voice broke the silence. "Now! Attack now!" Coran shouted. All of a sudden millions of rebel fighters swarmed the main ship while only a few took care on the small fighter jets. The red lion flew in and cut through a couple of the tiny fighter jets with it's jaw blade. The green lion shot plant bombs at the larger ship. The yellow and black lion got at the main ship as well. That left the blue lion and freeze the remaining smaller ships and then shattering them into a million pieces. All Lance could hear were grunts, shouts, and battle cries. When all of the smaller fighter jets were destroyed the rebels, red lion, and blue lion moved onto the main ship. The main ship launched more fighter jets and the rebels were scattered across the battle field, being picked off one by one. The red lion looked around. "Everyone clear a path! I'm going to burn the fighter jets!" Keith shouted. All of the rebels followed the orders and flew away from the fighters. The red lion's mouth opened and a burst of fire engulfed the fighters and burnt them to a krisp. Everyone rejoiced because of the paladin's great think but stopped when they heard the ion canon charge up. "Keith look out!" Shiro shouted and hit Lance who them slammed into Keith. Pushing Keith out of the way but putting Lance into danger. The ion cannon struck Lance. The only thing that could be heard now was Lance's blood curdling screams. You could hear the pain in his voice. Then the ion cannon shut off and everything was quiet. Lance panted heavily. He pulled off his helmet and tossed it onto the ground. The power in Blue had shot off leaving Lance exposed and helpless. He could feel something bringing him closer. He could faintly see through Blue's eyes. He was hoping it was another paladin bringing him back but to his dismay it was the galra ship bringing his lion aboard. "Shit. This is going to suck." Lance said leaning back in his chair and sighing. "Shiro's a fucking dick."

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