A hunt for Lance

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Keith's POV

Sure I was scared that the black lion chose me to be the new paladin but this change will make everything better. After Shiro had left the room pouting and angry I decided to train again. Whenever I'm stressed or upset I train but i dont think its good for me, I keep having to go back to the healing pods and I think Coran is getting tired of preparing the pod for me when I get hurt. After thinking if I wanted to train or not I finally decided to host a team meeting. Once everyone was in, Shiro still pouting in the corner, I began to speak. "I have something to announce to all of you, I am now the paladin of the Black lion which makes me the leader." I announced to the remaining paladins. Everyone congraduated me, except for Shiro which seemed to be the new normal. "Anyway, our plan for now on is to find Lance. He's been gone for a couple months now and who knows what's happened to him." I continued. "He's dead!" Shiro shouted. He seemed really pissed at my statement about finding Lance. "You don't know that for sure." "Yes I do! How can Lance defeat Lotor? He's weak and useless! You just need to wake up! Lance! Is! Dead!" Shiro yelled. His face turned red and stomped his feet. "Ok, if you think so then leave." I calmly stated. Shiro stuttered for a minute and then stormed out of the room. "Wow, I'm surprised of how you handled that Keith." Pidge stated. "You have no idea how much I wanted to take out my knife and stab him." I admitted. "That's better." Said Hunk. I chuckled and we began to think of ways to break Lance out of Lotor's ship.


Sorry that this is short, I'll make the next one longer.

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