I'm not insane!

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I layed on my bed and starred at the ceiling. I don't want to be here, I never wanted to be here. I wish I could run away but I knew I couldn't do that. I dont know how long I've been laying there, maybe an hour or two. As I was about to doze off into restless sleep someone knocked on the door. I reluctantly got up and opened the door to see Keith standing there. "H-hey Lance. We need to give you a check-up to make sure you're ok." Keith said. I groaned and walked into the hallway, closing the door behind me. We walked in silence to the infirmary. As we reached the door Keith spead ahead of me and opened the door. "Uh...Thanks?" I said awkwardly. I sat on a medical table and wanted for it to he over. "Ok Lance, you need to take your shirt off so I can see if there is major damage." Keith said. Wait, was is Keoth the doctor, shouldn't Coran be the doctor? Meh, whatever. I shrugged and pulled the shirt off my torso so reveal my amazingly hot body.  The only things that seemed like major damage were the scares forming on my torso along with some burns from Haggar's torture. Keith gasped and traced a hand over on of my fresher scars. "Lance... What did Lotor do to you?" Keith asked quietly. "Nothing, it was Haggar and a rude doctor." I said like it was nothing. In my defense, it was nothing, it just didn't seem important.  "You're fucking insane, how could you think that it wouldn't be important!" Keith ranted. "First of all, I'm not insane, second of all, if you would've been through what I've been through then you wouldn't care either." With no emotion at all.  "Lance, I'm sorry. I wish I could've been there for you." Keith said seductively. Keith inched closer but I pushed him away. "Yeaaaa, nope nope nope nope! I dont want or have any feelings for you and I never will. My heart belongs to another person." I said as I picked up my shirt and left. "Good day to you sir." I said and walked into the hall.

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