The witch shall fry!

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(They beginning really doesn't make since so I'm sorry in advance. I just needed something to start off with. It's kind going fast because I also needed a filler chapter. This doesn'treally do much for the story.)

Lance's POV

I woke up to Nubby shaking me violently. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Nubby calm down! What's happening?" I asked while panic flowed through my body. "We have to find a way out of here! Haggar...Haggar is out of control! She keeps appearing out of nowhere and does something horrible. She stabbed Fred!" She yelled. I looked over at Fred to see him silently screaming as blood flowed out of his leg, Norburt ran around the room, and Haggar kept appearing out of nowhere. "Shit!" I screamed. "Nubby, go help Fred! Norburt, stop running around! Go help Nubby help Fred. Try to stop the bleeding if you can or at least try to slow it!" I demanded. They both nodded and ran to Fred's aid to control the bleeding while I focused of Haggar.

Haggar dissapered and reappear in different areas of the room in black particles. I focused on Haggar and her repetitive pattern of where she appear. After a minute or two and many shots from dark quenessints later I managed to get the pattern down. When she appeared next I focused on the water inside of her she stayed in place. 

"Ah ha! Who's the magical one now witch!? Look guys, I got her!" I exclaimed while showing her off to the trio.

"Good job Lance but now what?" Norburt asked. "I'm glad you asked my strange nambed friend. I've been hypothesizing about my powers and I'm gonna try them out of the witch!" I explained. "Now let's see if my science head cannon is correct!" I said getting ready. "Don't you mean hypothesis?" Nubby corrected. "...One of my science head cannons is that I may be able to change the temperature of the water I was controlling. Have any of you read the Percy Jackson books? No? Okay, anyway..." I said as I focused hard on her water. She tried to escape many times as I talked but all shes been able to do is form a lot of black particles.

"Wait! We need to get put of here! If we the druids find out we killed her we'll still be here and they'll kill us!" Fred said in between short and shakey breaths. "Ugh, fiiiiiinnne." I groaned. "How do we get out of here?" I asked Haggar. "Why should I tell you?" She hissed. "If you dont I'll boil your blood and i dont think that'll feel very good." I said sweetly. "I'll never tell you." "Oh well, time to boil you. Anyone want witch blood soup? No, again? Okay." I said as I concentrated on warming up her blood. She screamed in agony. I kept slowly raising the temperature before she yelled my name.

"Lance, please stop!" I gasped, "She knows my name! Aww, I feel honored!" I said as I kept the temp the same as when she yelled. "I-i'll tell you, just please stop!" She yelled. "Yay! Okay, so how do we get out of here? Hidden door? No doors at all and we need to telaport?" I asked. "Lance, stop being a douch! I dont know what happened to you but you need to chill." Norburt yelled. "I didnt know aliens had such language! Fine, I'll tone it down." I smiled. "I'm sowwy Haggar. Will you pwease tell us how to get put of here so we may go and I'll stop boiling you?" I said overly sweet. "The room is an illusion! With out you knowing there is a door to your left!" She admitted. "Turn of the illusion! Now!" I demanded and I raised her blood temperature. She screamed again in pain and the room changed. Instead of a dark dungeon room the walls were white and padded and a single door was to the left of us.

Satisfied with what has happened I released Haggar from my magic voodoo crap. She fell to the ground in pain and gasped as her blood cooled.

"Monster!" She yelled.

"Nah honey, what you are is a monster. I'm an angle with many gifts." I said snapping my fingers. "Lance, you can be sassy later. We need to get out of here!" Nubby said pulling me towards the door. "Nubby's right! Fred need medical attention!" Norburt said as he ran up to me with Fred in his arms, bridal style. I nodded my head and ran out the door they the three behind me.

Was that confusing and you didnt understand it at all? Well I was also confused writing it. Dont worry a new chapter will he up in a few day. It will be longer, it will make since, and it won't just be a filler chapter that adds nothing to the story.

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