The light.

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Lotor's POV

I watched as the paladins weeped as life left Keith. Ugh, such an ugly name. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my generals stare in shock, except Zethrige. The black paladin glared at me as his arm charged up. His arm was hot enough to burn through the ropes and he ran towards me. He let out a battle cry as he punched me in the chest, burning through my armor, and hitting my skin. I gasped in pain and took out my gun to shoot again but a shout grabbed our attention. "Wait! You can't just kill us all!" The green one said. "And why not!?" I yelled back. "I don't know, I just don't want to die. I have a mother, father, and dog at home! I kinda want to see them again!" They yelled. I looked back at the black paladin and kicked him away from me, knocking him unconscious as he hit the wall. "Fine, I won't kill the rest here. On the battlefield I will show no mercy or hesitation. I was holding back for Lance's sake but now I see that you don't care for him at all so I will kill you off one by one, slowly, until Voltron in no more." I stated grimly. There was a moment of silence until, "Jesus Christ man, holy shit that was dark!" The green one replied. "Indeed. Zethrige tie the black paladin up again, and use the metal handcuffs while your at it. I don't want you finding a red paladin for awhile." I said. Zethrige nodded and handcuffed the unconscious paladin as the rest of us made our escape. As everyone made it to the ship we flew off to find Lance. "Geez boss, the speech was very scary." Ezor said. "Yeah, I agree with Ezor. You're normally not that dark, are you okay?" Axua askd. "I'm just upset. I lost one of my generals and it's really hard for me, I don't know why it's this hard to deal with." I answered and Ezor started laughing. "Why are you laughing, did I say something amusing?" I asked. "You're so oblivious that you're basically blind!" She said in between laughs. "Why? What can't I see?" "You love Lance!" She yelled. I gasped, "No I do not!" "Lotor and Lance sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She teased as she laughed. "Sir, I do agree with Ezor. Why else would you call him 'Love' instead of 'Lance'. You do it so much that we just thought it was natural." Acua said. "I say it because he's very lovely?" I said but it came out as a question. "Oh my god!" Ezor shouted as she laughed harder. I pouted in my seat as Zethrige piloted the aircraft. "I don't love Lance, he's just a general." I grumbled. I sighed. I couldn't even lie to myself. I do love Lance. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a light blinking and noticed it belonged to a communicator that I used with the villages. Oh no, were they under attack!? I hurried to grab it and pressed a button to play the message. "Lotor, this is Camiline of village six. An earthling named Lance said that he was one of your generals and requested that you pick him up. I repeat, this is Camiline of village six. An earthling named Lance said that he was one of your generals and requested that you pick him up. Over." Oh my goodness! My love- er I mean Lance is okay! "Generals! Lance is okay! Zethrige, go to these coordinates!" I exclaimed. "Yay! Let's go find Lotor's lover!" Exor yelled.

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