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Lance's POV

I shot up from laying down and started punching her. Screaming for her to get away, I needed to live. "Get away! Please, please dont kill me! Back off!" I shouted. I couldn't let Haggar kill me. "-ance! Lance! Calm down, you're okay. You need to stop." Someone said. That... that didnt sound like Haggar.

I stopped punching and slowly opened my eyes. I saw Hunk rubbing his cheek and stared at me with worried eyes. "Oh my- Hunk, are you okay? I'm so sorry!" I apologized. "Don't worry about it. What happned?" He asked. "Nothing. Just... just a bad dream." I sighed. "You sure? While you slept you cried and shook violently. I tried waking you up but you just started shouted and punching. Was it a night terror?" He asked. "I said I'm fine Hunk. I'll be okay." He nodded and walked away.

I looked around and found myself in a ship. I looked to the left and saw a window looking out to the darkness of space. I heard hush voices coming from the next room over. I couldn't bother trying to figure put what was being said so I turned my attention back to the window. I miss Lotor so much, I wish he were here right now.

"Hey Lance. How are you feeling?" I looked up to see Pidge holding two milkshakes. "I snuck Kaltenecker in before we left." She said handing me one. "Hey Pidge. I feel like shit." I said before taking a sip of the milkshake. "Thanks." I mumbled. "I heard you screaming, is everything alright?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said taking another sip. "Bullshit, tell me the truth." She pushed. I sighed, "Okay, fine. Ever since I could remember I've had nightmares. It got worse and worse when we join Voltron. When I got captured by Lotor it turned into night terrors. I didn't tell Lotor because I didnt want him to think I was weak. I woke up screaming because I had a nightmare." I explained.

"Wait, when did you care?" I asked. "Hunk told me to be supportive." She shrugged. I nodded and continued to drink the milkshake. We just sat there, looking out the window, drinking milkshakes.

"Did you and Lotor ever fuck?"

"Pidge what the hell!? Why would you ever ask that!?" I shouted after I recovered from choking on the milkshake. She laughed at my embarrassment. "Wow, I'm guessing it never happened." She said still laughing.

While she laughed I sulked and looked out the window. In a distance I saw a planet with blue and green sloshes and a white mist over it. I squinted hard and saw that it looked a lot like Earth. A lot. "Oh my god." I gasped. "What? What is it?" Podge asked, frantically looking around.


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