An unfortunate sight

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A/N this will be a smaller chapter because I am going out of town where there is no service and i want to give you a chapter. There is attempt of suicide in this chapter as well so if you get triggered I am truly sorry, enjoy!

Its been hours since Lance came out of his room and I started to get worried. I paced around the room like a madman while the others watched and wondered. "Sir, are you ok?" Axua asked. I stopped my walking and looked at the trio. "I'll be alright. I'll go get Lance so we can train." I said walking away. I know I said that i would send Zethrige to get Lance but I needed to apologize to Lance. I walked to his room and placed my ear against the door to hear if Lance was awake and he was but something was off.

"Do it, don't be a coward."

It was Lamce, he was talking to someone.

"You're not wanted anywhere. Here or with the paladins. If the paladins wanted me they would be here trying to save me already."

Maybe Lance was talking to himself, who else would it be? But why was he saying these things?

"You're usless, stupid, pathetic, ugly, immature, horrible!" Lance said with his voice rising with each word.

"You deserve to die!"

That was it, that was the final straw. Why would lance say these things to himself. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I didn't know what else to do so I kicked the door open, braking the door off it's hinges in the process. The thing I saw made me go speechless. There Lance was on his bed, sleeves lifed up to show bloody arms, and a gun raised to his temple. His bandages were soaked with blood and tears, mostly tears, and his eyes were red and puffy. When he looked up at me his eyes went wide and he dropped the gun. He raised his hands in defense, "Lotor! It's not what it lookes like, I-um... You see...." Lance stuttered as he tried to search for the right words. "Lance, what the quiznak!?" Were the only things that I could say.

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