Lotor's entry

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Lance heard footsteps rush twords him and someone shouting orders at him. "Stand up with your hands where we can see them, don't do anything you'll regret!" A galra yelled. "Ok, geez! Just stop shouting!" Lance barked back. "Wait, stand back Kolig. Something's off about the paladin. His eyes aren't focused on us, I think there's something wrong with his eyes." Someone else explained. "Lotor." Lance growled. Someone's hand wrapped around his wrist and pulled him forward. "Let me guess, you're taking me to get information about voltron and the Paladins. If I don't tell you're going to to torment me. Am I right?" Lance scoffed. "Quiet the quiznak up you twink!" Lotor yelled as his grip tightened and his claws dug into Lance's vains. Lance shut up and counted the steps they walked until he got shoved into a room. The door slammed shut and he was all alone. Lance sighed and laid back. "Should I be more worried? Why should I care, I don't get paid enough for this. I'm not even getting paid." Lance said to himself. Lance continued to talk to himself while playing with his bayard. Since his armor was still on he could command good bayard to come out of thin air which was cool. "Hmm, I wonder how this works. I've been meaning to ask Coran about that but I guess I never had the time." Lance hummed. After what felt like forever the cell door slammed open.  "Rise to your feet human!" A galra commanded. This time it sounded like a woman, that's new. Lance stood up and placed a hand on the wall for support. "Follow me!" She yelled. "I, I can't. I can't see." Lance said. The woman hummed and was silent for awhile. "What's the hold up Acxa?" Another woman asked. "The human claims to be blind but I'm not buying it. Handcuff his hands behind his back and walk out with me." The first woman, who is now known as Acxa, told the other woman. Lance's hands were handcuffed and the three of them walked out of the cell. Lance then started counting steps, "One, two, three, four, five, six..." After twenty minutes of walking and counting someone punched the back of Lance's head. "Shut up! What are you even counting?!" Acxa yelled. "I'm counting steps." Lance said simply. "Well shut up, you're disturbing the peace!" Acxa said. "Peace? What do you mean peace! You have a blind teenager in handcuffs, in fucking prison, and you call this peace! We're in a fucking war! There is no peace, especially here!" Lance yelled as they walked through another set of doors. "I'm sorry you feel that way, paladin." Lotor said, standing right next to Lance.

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