Where's Pidge?!

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Each lion flew into the sky and formed Voltron but while they were forming Voltron, a huge battle ship flew by to destroy each lion. When Voltron returned to the fight Lance's vision would flicker on and off and would grow fuzzy but most of the time it was ok. "Pidge put the shield up!" Shiro demanded as the ion canon charged up. Pidge did what they were told and put up the shield just in time to block the beam. The canon was powerful and almost sent all the lions splitting apart but the shield what just strong enough. "Keith form the sword and prepare to attack!" Shiro barked another order. Keith and Pidge made the sword apear from the two lions and flew towards the ship to attack. The ion canon charged fast and shot a shorter but still powerful beam of energy at the center of Voltron. Each lion separated from each other and they went in different directions. All of them stayed close together but the tiny green lion floated far away. "Pidge?! Are you ok? Can you control anything?" Lance questioned frantically. "Lance calm down, they'll be alright." Hunk said but he didn't sound confidant in his answer. They could hear static but it didn't make any words. "Everyone back to the ship! We'll track her when we get calmed down." Shiro said sternly. Everyone agreed but Lance still worried about the Paladin. He wanted to go now but Shiro would yell at him. Lance decided to take a nap and think it over. Tomorrow would be another day and he'll save Pidge and prove himself worthy once and for all. Maybe Shiro would be nice and praise him like he used to. You know what? Lance made up his mind, he would take a nap, pack, and leave to find Pidge. He could he the hero mama believed he always was.

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