More and more heartbreak

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Lance POV

It's been two days since Haggar dragged me into this hell whole. My skin was littered with bruises, cuts, and scares. I have given up on trying to get Lotor to stop and realise what he's doing is wrong. I rocked back and forth trying to opwn the door for the hundredth time. When I tried to open the door again the door slammed open and hit me in the nose. "Trying to escape? It's usless unless you know. Where would you do afterward?" Lotor said stepping in. I backed away into the corner and shielded me head. Lotor scoffed, "Coward." He said walking twords me. "Gonna cut me again with that horrid knife?" I asked. "Nope. I thought we should try something else." Lotor said smirking. He reached into hs back pocket and brought out a long whip. "It's laced with torns. Don't you think that's neat?" Lotor asked. I shook  head and tried to back away farther into the wall. Lotor unraveled the whip and walked closer to me. I closed my eyes and slid to the ground as I heard the loud snap of the whip connecting with my skin. The whip drew blood and stung my skin. It continued like that for hours, nothing but the sound of thw whip and my cries of pain. It finally stopped and I saw black clouding my vision, I felt like I was going to pass out. "See you tomorrow Lancey." Lotor said as he left but before he went he through something at my direaction. My arm exploded with pain as I looked over. Their was a large knife sticking out of my arm. As I screamed in terror and pain Lotor left with a grin. I reached for the knife and ripped it out. I looked at the knife and thought for awhile. Voltron wasn't going to save me anytime soon, Lotor amd the generals left me to die, I'll never see my family again so what's the point of living? What's the point of surviving? I looked down at the bloodied knife. Is there a point?

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