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Lance's POV

"Wow Camiline, this is amazing! Lotor saved everyone here?" I asked. "Not everyone, some of them were born here. They have a blessing of never living the horrible lives we lived. We get to start over, it's truly a blessing." Camiline said as a single tear slid down her face. "Follow, I shall lead you to your temperament house. It's not big but it will provide a comfy living space while your permanent one is being built." She said as she walked away. "Thank you so much but I can't live here forever, I have to get back to Lotor." I explained. "Get back to Lotor? Ate you his family, you dont look galra." Camiline said in confusion. "Well I'm not galra but I guess I'm his family. I was his general before i was captured by voltron." "Voltron? You met the paladins!?" Camiline squealed. She must like them. "Yeah but they kinda threw me out the airlock and I landed here so..." I trailed off. "That's awful but here we are. I will come by in the morning to drop off clothing and water. Then we shall discuss Lotor and how we shall return you to him." She stated as she opened the door to the small house. I thanked her and walked inside. There wasn't much but it had everything I needed, a bathroom, bedroom, living room to hang out in. I closed the door behind me and walked to the bathroom. I noticed the sink and turned it on to get a drink. After I gulped down the drink I got a glance of myself in the mirror. I had gotten a bit skinnier, dark bags hung under my eyes, and my lips were cracked. I sighed and stepped out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom. The walls were gray and had a queen sized bed in the middle of the room. There was also a desk on the left side of the room with a fruit basket on it. I walked over to it hungerly and scarfed down an apple like fruit, I mean it looked like an apple but it tasted like a bitter kiwi. After that I landed on the bed and sleep quickly engulfed me.

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