The beginning of the end

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Pidge and Lance landed the lions and walked out of them. Lance walked out with his cane and tripped at the end of the ramp but luckily strong arms cought him. "Man am I glad to be back. I missed you Hunk." Lance said tilting his head up. Hunk let out a soft chuckle and got Lance standing straight up on his feet again. "Glad to have you back Lance. Good job on retrieving Pidge!" Hunk exclaimed. "Pidge, let's get you checked for injuries." Hunk said leading Pidge out of the room. Lance sighed as he left to go to his room. It took him awhile to get to it but he managed to remember the way. When he walked in he tripped over dirty clothes. "Stupid cane, good for nothing... just like me." Lance said to himself as he tossed the came to the ground. He flopped onto his bed and sighed again. He laid there, still and quiet until he heard a soft knock at his door. "Enter." Lance said. Soft footsteps entered the room and a light figure sat at the edge of the bed. "Good evening Allura." Lance greeted. When Lance first went blind he memorized the heaviness of the footsteps and the sound of movement of each paladin and altaen. "Evening Lance. I'm glad you returned safe with Pidge. Come eat with us for dinner, you look like you haven't eaten in days." The princess said. "Is Hunk cooking?" Lance questioned. Allura chuckled, "Yes, he is cooking." Lance smiled as he sat up. "Lead the way Princess." Lance said getting up and grabbing his cane. Sure Lance stumbled here and there but he was getting used to not seeing. He knew they reached the dinning room when he heard a giant door creak open. Even with being blind he felt eyes burning into his skull like daggers. Lance shook off the feeling and sat down at a random seat. Hank sat plates in front of everyone and even placed a spoon into Lance's hand so he didn't have to look like a fool trying to find one. "Ok, now that's everyone is here we must make a plan of attack. Last battle was bloody with only two Paladins and they cought us off guard. What do you think we should do?" Allura asked the table. Lance sat his spoon down in his dish and went to speak. "I think we should have the green lion place a tracker on the main fleet while invisible so we know where they are at all times. Once we are ready we gather the rebels to surprise attack them when they don't see it coming. We give them hell until we defeat them or they defeat us." Lance said shyly. Everyone was quiet for awhile until Keith spoke. "That... could work. Nice job Lance." Keith said. The door squeaked open and large, heavy foot steps walked in and Lance could feel his face go pale. "What are you talking about?" Shiro asked sternly. "Lance was telling us a battle strategy that could work if we played our cards right." Coran said. "Oh, welcome back Pidge, Lance. I'll send message of this plan to the rebels after you tell me. I need to talk to Lance for a minute so if you excuse us." Shiro said walking over to Lance and gently grabbing his arm. Shiro walked Lance out to the hall and let go of his arm. "Shiro I'm so, so, so sorry. I was just looking out for Pidge and just knew I had to find them. She's like a sister to me and the closest thing to home so please dont be mad!" Lance pleaded. "Lance it's ok. I wanted to apologize for my behaviour and I have no excuse. Good job on saving Pidge and keep up the good work. I know you're trying your hardest so good job kid. You can tell me your plan later but now you need a nap, you look tired." Shiro said softly. Lance didn't know what to say. He was surprised by Shiro's words and just stood there for a moment. "Oh, um, thanks Shiro. It's alright, I forgive you but I dont fully trust you anymore. Trust takes awhile to gain, seconds to burn down, and forever to rebuild. See you later Shiro." Lance said and then left to go to his room. Lance flopped on his bed once more and passed out. He didn't notice how tired he was and since he can't see he can't do his skin care so he problay looked like shit. Lance floated into a deep sleep. 

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