Shiro's hurtful words.

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"No no no no no no no no! You can't tell Shiro, he'll be pissed!" Lance said trying to get away but Hunk's grip only tightened. "We are going to tell Shiro. We don't know if you still cut but he have to make sure. Plus you tried to run away and we don't want that happening so we have to find a solution." Hunk said. Lance heard a knock and a door opening. Lance was not prepared for what came next. Shiro slapped him. Shiro fucking slapped him with his metal arm. "Whoa, what the hell Shiro!" He heard Keith say. Keith? Where did he come from? "I have the right! He left with no explaination! Where did you leave in such a rush!?" Shiro exclaimed. "Ok so here's the plan, I'll hide in your room and you talk to Shiro." Lance whispered into Hunk's ear. "No, tell Shiro yourself. I'll protect you from future harm, don't worry." Hunk said soothingly. "Go ahead and tell me, where did you go huh?" Shiro said tapping his foot. "Ok... I felt overwhelmed and I needed a break. I was going to come back but... I'm here instead." Lance said looking down. Shiro then stomped on Lance's foot. "You have to be the least worthy paladin ever. You'll put your stupid want over the whole universe! You're worthless!" Shiro yelled. "This isn't like you! What's wrong with you!?" Keith yelled. "What's wrong?! Lance is putting everyone in jeapordy! We can't form voltron because he tried a training level that was way out of his league! Instead of forty he should have done five or three! He can't do anything right!" Shiro said yelling at both Keith and Lance. Lance didn't notice before but he was crying. Hot tears rolled down his cheeks and off his chin. Lance could tell that Shiro was going to say more but sirens went off. "Paladins get to your lions! A Galra fleet is attacking!" Allura said over the intercom. Lance was running towards his lion but Shiro's metal hand grabbed his arm tightly. "You're staying here! You can't fly!" He yelled. "At least let him try Shiro." Keith said calmly. Shiro hesitated and pushed Lance as he let go. Lance ran to his lion after he thanked Keith. When he got into Blue he just hoped that he would be able to fly her and not be rejected.

A/N I dont know why I made Shiro such a dick but this is only the beginning of him being this way. Thanks for reading even though my uploading isn't consistent.

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