Run away...

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His breathing grew worse and worse as the others surrounded him and asked questions. He felt like the room was spinning and everything became a blur. He put his hands to his ears and yelled. "STOP! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" He screamed. The questions grew louder and faster. He fell to his knees and hit the ground. He felt like he couldn't breath. "Lance are you ok?" "What was that?" "Are you still cutting?" "What are you talking about?" The questions just kept flooding in. He knew his friends wanted to help but he just couldn't handle it. He tried to run but someone grabbed his arms and pulled him back to the group. "We're not blind like you, we saw that! What was that!?" Shiro yelled. "It's nothing, let me go!" He exclaimed. "Lance, it's ok just tell us what's going on. We won't judge you or make you say anything you don't want to say." Pidge said. "You will tell us everything! We're a team, everything must be shared!" Shiro yelled. "Shiro calm down. Let Lance calm down, he's scared." Hunk said trying to keep the peace. Lance kicked Shiro at where he thinks is Shiro's chest. He hears Shiro fall and he runs for the exit. He hit the wall but then he finds the exit and runs out. Lance makes it to his room and starts to pack. "I can't believe I opened up in front of everyone, I'm such an idiot." He says as he packs what he thinks is clothes. He grabs his cane and runs towards the escape pods. When running he bumped into someone. "Lance? Why are you pa- are you ditching us?" Hunk say. He sounds like he was crying. "I- um- no? I'm sorry." Lance say lowering his head. "I just can't be here. I can't do anything right and I can't fly the blue lion, I'm no Paladin. Just let me go." He said trying to squeeze past Hunk. He feels Hunk pulling the bag off of his shoulders. Hunk must've thrown it because he then hears it slamming on the ground a couple feet away. "Where are you taking me? Let me go!" Lance yells as Hunk grabs Lance's shoulders and starts walking. "To Shiro."

A/N I am so sorry that took so long, I had to deal with something important.

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