The gift of sight

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What Lance just did could either be the worse mistake of his life or the best decision he could ever make. If the others were to find out then he'll be disgraced forever. "Glad to hear it, paladin..?" Lotor asked. "Lance, the name's Lance." Lance stated. "Lance. I'll get a doctor to see what we can do about those eyes of yours and then see what you can do on the battle field." Lotor stated before leaving Lance to his thoughts. It didn't take long for the door to swing open again and feet to walk in. "I hear that you are a paladin of Voltron, yes? Then why did Prince Lotor wish to give you sight?" The doctor asked. "I'm choosing to leave Team Voltron and join as one of his generals. Can we please start now?" Lance asked. "As you wish." The doctor said as he turned on a saw of some sorts. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Aren't you suppose to knock me out so I don't feel any pain?!" Lance yelled, hoping the answer would be yes and it was just a mistake. "No can do kid, Lotors orders in case you use your new sight to escape and tell Voltron." The doctor explained. The saw seemed to come closer to his face and got louder. As it came closer his breathing quickened until he was hyperventilating. His hands were strapped down so he couldn't defend himself but his feet were not, but it was too late when he found out. Lance screamed so loud that it seemed like his life depended on it. The saw came in contact with the left eye. Without noticing, Lance's leg came up and kicked the doctor out of reflex. Hot tears rolled down his face as he tries to get his hands free. He almost got it as the door slammed opened and someone ran in. "What the he'll is going on in here?!" Lotor shouted. Their was silence in the room. Lance hoped that he was looking at the awake Lance with blood and tears running down his face and yell at the doctor for not knocking him out. "The runt kicked me while cutting his eye!" Yelled the doctor. "Oh is that right, Gnar? He wouldn't do that if he was asleep! I'll operated on him. Zethrige will escort you out. Don't worry, the death will be slow and painful." Lotor said snatching the saw out of Gnar's hand.

Lotor pov
"I am so sorry about that Lance. I will put a needle in your hand to put you to sleep." I said while grabbing the needle. I stuck the needle in his hand that made Lance yelp. "Thank you 'otor. I feel better 'ready." Lance said slurring is words as he fell asleep. I grabbed the tiny circular saw and turned it on. I inched the saw closer to General Lance's face. The saw sliced into the place next to his eyes and inches around his eyes. After awhile I could see the eye nerves. I set down the saw and picked up a small microchip like gadget and connected it to nerves. The microchip helps the the eyes see picture again. I stiched him up and walked out of the room to meet up to my generals. "Ezor, stay with Lance until he wakes up, get me when he does." I ordered as I sat down. Ezor playfully saluted and skipped off Lance's room. "So I heard the paladin is joining. How did that happen?" Axua asked standing next to me. "I tried going for the red paladin but something strange happened. The black lion had slammed into the blue lion which shoved the red lion out of the way. It looked liked the black paladin had sacrificed Lance. You saw it, did it seem that way to you?" I asked. "I gue-" Axua was about to talk but Ezor rushes into the room. "Sir, something's wrong with Lancy!" Ezor said gasping for air.

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