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"W-what? Why not?" Coran said with worry in his voice. "You need to go into a pod, you're the blue paladin, we need you!" Lance suddenly heard Keith say. "Coran where are we, are we in the infirmary?" Lance said with a sigh. "Yes, I'm going to put you in a pod so don't try to move, you might hurt yourself." Coran said softly. "Who's all here?" Lance asked. "Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, and Keith. The princess isn't here thought." Coran said setting the paladin in the pod. "Uh, Pidge. After I get out I need to talk to you. It's urgent." Lance said right before being frozen in the healing pod. "Pidge? Is there something we need to know about? Is there something going on between you and Lance?" Shiro asked. "N-no, I swear. I dont know what's he talking about." Pidge said in a worried voice. "What the quiznak happened Coran? What happened to Lance?" Keith asked. "I found him pasted out in the middle of the training deck when I went to check on him. He was laying in a puddle of blood. His arms, legs, and neck were cut and sadly his eyes were too." Coran said looking down sadly. "Wait, does that mean that he wont be able to see?" Hunk asked. "We can only hope that he'll be able too see when he comes out." Coran said putting a reassuring hand on Hunk's shoulder. Allura busted threw the door of the infirmary. "Sorry I was late. What happend?" "Lance got hurt, he'll be ok but he might not be able to see." Shiro said. "That's it? Why was I in a hurry then? I thought Keith got hurt." She said giving a sigh of relief. "What is that supposed to mean?" Keith asked giving Allura a harsh look. "Well you trained in a high level so I thought-" "That's not was I was asking. When we told you that Lance got hurt why didn't you give a quiznak?" Keith said. "Oh well he's not the most important or anything. He's not the best fighter or any good at fixing stuff." Allura said like it was nothing new.  A machine next to Lance's pod was blinking and was beeping. "That's weird. Lance's mind is racing with many thoughts." Coran said with concern. "We'll deal witg you later." Keith said to Allura before he raced to the machine. Pidge noticed that icy tears were rolling down Lance's face. "Nice going Allura! You made him cry!" "Its not Allura, his mind is racing with thought. He must be thinking of something terrible!" Coran said. "Probably Allura's cruel words." Hunk said as if Allura's words had affended him. 

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