The unwanted rescue.

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Lance's POV

It's been about a week since Lotor saved me from hell. He's been letting me rest while he traines with the other generals. All I've been doing is suiting in bed, letting my stitches do their work, and play on this space Gameboy, and sometimes reading. Lotor taught me how to read galren letters and words. I know that it's selfish to think this but I kinda hope voltron doesn't find me, I dont want to be a paladin anymor, I love being a general. I was focusing on my game when all of a sudden the sirens went off. I dont care if Lotor said I couldn't leave my room to fight, I'm doing this. It may be to painful to put on the armor but I can still use a gun. I picked up my gun and rushed to the hallways. All the guards were running in the walls with their weapons to get into position to fight. I followed them to see what was happening and help them. I saw someone in red rush by killing the guards, I couldn't see their face but I couldn't do nothing while the guards got killed so I shot. The person stopped to look at me but another galra tackled him to the ground. I went to help the galra out but something put a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and elbowed them in the face and kicked them in the gut. "Lance stop! We're here to save you!" I heard the person say. When I took a moment to look at the intruder I notice them wearing a yellow paladin set of armor.


"Lance!" I heard another voice call out to me. I looked in the direction the voice came from and Lotor came rushing towards me. "Dont worry Lance, I got this!" Hunk yelled. Hunk aimed his gun at Lotor! In a panic I yelled and pushed the gun away from where it was aiming. Instead it shot another guard and I yelled an apology. "Lance what are you doing out here?! I told you to wait in your room until your wounds healed! And look at you, you dont even have armor on, you could've gotten hurt!" Lotor yelled protectively. "Wait, what's going on? I-We dont have time for this, I'll ask later. Come on Lance, we're here to save you." Hunk said grabbing my arm. "No I dont want to go, I want to stay!" I said. Hunk turned twords Keith. "Lance has been brainwashed! He says he wants to stay, I need back up!" Hunk yelled. Keith nodded and rushed twords me. Both Keith and Hunk picked me up and was dragging me to the red lion. "Let me go!" I screamed. Lotor was trying to run after us but the paladins where faster. Soon the lion's mouth closed. I was how in tears of losing Lotor and going back the to abusive 'family'.

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