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Lance yelped in surprised as he stumbled backwards and fell. "What the fuck?! You can't sneak up on a blind person like that! How long have you been here?!" Lance yelled. "Long enough to know how unfair war is. That doesn't matter though, does it?" Lotor questioned. "Sire, I see you've brought a paladin on board. What do you plan on doing with him?" The witch, Haggar, asked. "Take him to an empty cell, interrogate him for answers. If he doesn't talk you know what to do." Lotor said, you could hear the smirk on his voice. "As you wish. Pick him up and bring him to the cell." Haggar demanded. Someone had picked Lance up by the collar, choking him for a second, and then they started walking again. "One, two, three, four, five..." Lance continued to count. After awhile Lance was shoved into a room and was handcuffed to a chair in the middle of the room. "Where is voltron now?" Hagar questioned. "Do you expect me to know that? I've been captured, how am I supposed to know?" With that answer Lance revived a harsh blast to the chest. "Who is the weakest of all Paladins?" Haggar hissed. After awhile Lance finally responded, "I am." That's caused another blast but this time it was I'm the back. "Stop guarding your friends, tell me the truth!" The witch commanded. "I am telling you the truth, I am the weakest of the paladins." Lance replied. "I see." Haggar hummed. "Bring in Lotor." She said before leaving. Lance sat there trying to keep his breathing steady. The blast of magic to the chest and back made it harder the breath. With each breath pain shot through his lungs. The cell door swung open and slammed close. "I hear that you call yourself the weakest of paladins. Is that correct?" Lotor asked walking circles around Lance. "That is correct, yes. Why should it matter?" Lance questioned. "Do you think that your team appreciates all that you do?" Lotor asked. Lance thought awhile before speaking. "No, I dont think so." Lance said truthfully. "Do you wish to be apart of something great while being appreciated?" Lotor asked. "More than anything." Lance said sounding like a plead. "How would you like to become one of my generals?" Lotor asked after he stopped walking. Lotor stood to the right of Lance while he thought of an answer. "I don't know if you remember this but I'm blind. I dont think you would want a blind person on your team. I would mess everything up." Lance said. "Ah yes, what if I said that I could restore your vision if you agree to help me." Lotor hummed. Lance thought of the pros and cons of each option. Pro, he would have his vision and he would be useful for once. Con, he would be a trader to the paladins and lions of Voltron. Lance took in a deep breath, "Ok, I'll join you." Lance said sternly. "Excellent."

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