Let's talk.

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"What do you mean seventh wheel? There's only five paladins." Keith asked. "Seven counting Allura and Coran" Lance said not facing Keith. "I'm not a good leader like Shiro, I'm not a genius like Pidge, I'm not a mechanic like Hunk, I'm not a great fighter like you. I'm nobody." Lance said. "You got into the Galaxy Garrison as a pilot, that's not nothing." Keith said trying to cheer him up. "Only because you dropped out, everyday Iverson reminded me that the only reason why I was there was because of you dropping out." Lance said hiding his face in his knees. "You, you flew the blue lion. It choose you out of all of us." Keith said using another attempt to cheer him up. "She'll choose anyone. She only chose me cuz she knew what's wrong with me and that I needed something to go my way. Now I can't even fly her." He said tearing up. "Why are you even here, I thought Hunk would be the one trying to cheer me up." "He felt to guilty about what happened earlier. I'm sorry that I didn't say anything but I don't think we should get rid of you, you're a great member of the team. You may not be able to see but that doesn't mean you can't be a part of the team." Keith said putting a hand on Lance's shoulder. "Oh I almost forgot. Hunk made a cane for you. You can't see it but it's gray with a blue spiral going down and on top it has a blue lion head." He said putting it in Lance's head. Lance traced his fingers down the spiral and felt the lion head, his face wet with tears. Lance dropped the cane and hugged Keith. "Thank you mullet, you're such a good friend." Keith hugged Lance back.

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