The awakening.

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Lance heard fotsteps behind him. He turned around to see Lotor standing behind him, one hand on his hip. "Hello paladin, you have such an empty mind for such a depressed boy." Lotor said with a smirk. "You don't know anything about me, leave me alone! Why are you here?!" Lance said with a frighten look on his face. Lance just wanted to wake up but the injuries must have been to bad. "I just want to know more about the Blue Paladin, is that such a crime? Why are you in the healing pod, hurt in combat?" Lance hesitated, "No, I was training and one of the robots snuck up behind me. It cut me badly." Lotor stood there for awhile as if he was having trouble processing the information he had just gotten. "Look, I'm a paladin and you're part of the Galra Empire. Why are you in my mind, are you here to see what makes me tick? You wanna see what you can do to make me part of the Empire?" Lance asked, he was done with these mind games. "No, I'm here to brake you mentally. I'm going to kill you from the inside out." Lotor said as he turned into a twisted monster. Lance ran as fast as he could but it seemed like he was getting nowhere. Lotor cought up to him and grabbed Lance. Lotor was about to hit him but Lance's eyes snapped open. He gasped for air as he fell into another paladin's arms. Lance coughed and looked around, well he tried to look around anyway. "W-who's there?" He asked hesitantly. "Lance, it's me Hunk. Are you ok?" He heard Hunk answer. "I can't see, why can't I see?!" He asked as he started to hyperventilate. "Calm down Lance, breath. We were afraid this might happen. When you were fighting the gladiator it slashed your eyes and now you can't see. I'm sorry." Keith said with a soft voice. "How long was I out?!" Everyone went silent. "Two weeks." Said Pidge.

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