Lance's panic attack

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"What?! What happened?!" I shouted as panic filled my body. "I-I don't know. One moment he was asleep and the next he started shacking, hyperventilating, and sobbing. I don't know what happened to cause it!" Ezor explained. I jumped out of my seat and raced to the room with Ezor and Axua right behind me. A slowed down as I got to the door and open the door slowly. "General Lance?" I asked softly. I looked down at Lance and felt waves of guilt. Lance was a sobbing mess with tear streaks going down his face, red eyes, and his breathing too fast. He was struggled against the restraints on his arms and slightly kicked his legs. I sighed and knelt down next to him and released the restraints on his wrists. To my surprise the new general didn't cower in his seat, he jumped and wrapples his arms around my torso. I looked at Axua and Ezor for help but Ezor was laughing and Axua avoided eye contact. I slowly wrapped my arms in the same way around Lance. "What happend?" I asked in a somewhat soothing voice. "I-I don't know! I woke up and everything wasn't dark, I was happy but then I remembered how I got here! I remember how Shiro tortured me and how no one would help. Shiro shoved me to push Keith out of the way so Keith wouldn't get hurt and I would! I dont know where I am and I dont know what the witch will do! I'm so scared and alone! I want my mamá! I really want my mamá" Lance  babbled. "Come on, let's get you out of here." I said as getting Lance to his feet. Lance nodded and walked slowly. I lead him with the others behind us. When walking other Galras would stare in disgust at us half breeds and human. I rolled my eyes and proceeded on my way. We stopped in front of a door and Lance looked up at me in confusion. I opened the door to reveal a large sized room. "General Lance, you are not a prisoner here so you don't deserve to be treated as such. You are my general so you get your own room." I said while I leaded him into the room. Lance looked around the room and settled on sitting on the queen size bed. "I will leave you to look around. If you need anything just call any of its on this communicator." I said handing him the communicator. He looked at it and looked up. He smiled weakly at me. "Thank you Lotor." He said with his hoarse voice. "No problem." I said. I leaded my other generals out of the room after Ezor said saying her byes. "Well, that was a rollercoaster. Are you sure he's good enough to be a general?" Axua asked. "We'll see tomorrow. Let's let him rest." I said walking to my own room.

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