What have you done!?

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Keith's POV

After Lance's lion was brought onto the galra ship we retreated. I landed my lion fast and ran to the black lion. As soon as Shiro stepped onto the castle floor I slapped his cheek. "What the hell?! You fucking asshole!" I yelled into his face. Shiro stood there in shock while holding his cheek his his metal hand. "Well?! All because of you Lance is now in the ship of Prince-fucking-Lotor?! He could be dead! Why would you do what you did?!" I screamed. Now everyone has circled around us. Hunk was hugging Pidge while they both cried, Allura looked down in distress, and Coran wrapped an arm around Allura while handing her a hot beverage. "I did that to save you! Why can't you be grateful that you were spared?!" Shiro shouted back at me. "I dont care if I love it or die anymore! As long as the team is safe then Voltron can still serve! I dont care if I have to die to save someone else! That wasn't your choice to make!" I screamed while pounding me foot into the ground over and over again. I looked around and now everyone was staring at me in shock. "Keith, what do you mean that you don't care whether you live or die?" Allura spoke. "I-um- you see... It doesn't matter! We have to find Lance!" I said as I left to go track down Lance. Shiro grabbed my wrist. "You're not going any where until you tell us what's wrong." Shiro said sternly. "Don't touch me!" I said while yanking my arm away from him. Shiro sighed and walked passed me and out of the room. "We'll talk about that later. Right now everyone needs to relax in thwit room." Coran said. Everyone agreed and walked to their rooms after giving me a sympathetic look. I brushed it off and walked to my room to take a nap.

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