It's not what you think!

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Lance's POV

We ran down the halls looking for anyone. We ran for twenty minutes before we saw someone that could help us. I turned a corner to smash into Ezor.

"Oh thank god! Ezor you have to help us! The guy behind me that is being carried got stabbed! He needs help, where is Lotor?!" I yelled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Call down, its going to be okay. Follow me. Lotor is meeting with the princess but I think this is a little more important." She said leading the way. We hurried behind her to get to Lotor. Ezor led us through a door where Lotor and Allura were talking at a table. When Ezor through the door open they both turned their heads to focus on us. Lotor looked concern yet Allura's emotion changed from confused to angry.

"Lance, is everything okay? What happned? Who are those people behind you?" He said as he raced towards us. "Are...are those Alteans?! Why is one stabbed?! What's going on here!?" Allura yelled. "We dont have much time! I'll explain everything but Fred needs to be taken care of or he may bleed out! He needs to be taken to the infirmary. Lotor, please help us." I pleaded. "Of course, follow me." He said. He then lead us to the infirmary and talked to a nurse.

While Lotor dealt with getting someone to help Fred I held pressure of the wound to hopefully slow the bleeding. "Its going to be okay, Fred. Norburt is here. We won't leave you. It's going to be okay." Norburt whispered to Fred but it seemed like Norburt was saying to convince himself. Fred tiredly nodded his head and snuggled into Norburt's side. "So, you two a couple or something?" I asked. "Yeah. We've been married for about six years." Norburt said smiling. "I'm lucky to have him. He's an amazing guy." Norburt rested his head on Fred's shoulder.

I smiled to them as Lotor made his way towards us. "The nurses will take it from here. We need to give them some space so the three of you should come with Allura and me." Lotor explained. Norburt tried to complain but Lotor held up a hand. "If you want your friend to live I suggest you come with us." Lotor interrupted. Norburt sighed before kissing their husband on the head before getting up and following us out of the room.

Once we entered the room Lotor and Allura were in before we bursted through the door, Allura slapped Lotor. Hard. As soon as her hand connected with his face my guns were out and ready to fire. Ezor, Acua, and Zethrige were also ready to fight if Allura stepped out of line again.

"What was that for?" Lotor asked, trying to control the volume of his voice. "Have you enslaved these Alteans?! While we were going over peace did you send someone to harm these Alteans?!" Allura yelled. "Calm down drama queen. First of all, never touch Lotor again unless it's a friendly handshake of peace. Second, Lotor didnt even know about the Alteans. The witch captured us and then stabbed Fred." I said as my guns were still aimed at her.

"Wait, Haggar got you again? How did you escape?" Lotor turned to me. "Water magic and some torture of my own." I said grimly. "Are you hurt?" Lotor came towards me to check for wounds. "I'm fine. Just some burns of dark magic from when she blasted me." I explained.

"Shut up! I don't care what happned! You had Alteans on this ship and they were harmed! I dont want to sign this peace treaty!" She screamed.

"That's enough! If you won't sign the treaty then we will! We dont care what kind of crappy drama you're going through, we just want to go Earth and have the universe safe!" I turned around to see Hunk, Pidge, and Matt standing in the door way. Coran stood in front of them and was the one that spoke. "Woo, go Coran! The true hero and princess!" I shouted. "Thank you Lance!" He beamed.

"Now, hand us some pens. We will sign the treaty no matter if the princess likes it or not!"

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